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Đại học Bedforshire : các ngành học HOT dành cho sinh viên quốc tế

Thứ Ba - 20/11/2012
Course name Title eg MA, BSc Location  Fee
Advanced Nursing Studies MSc Luton £9,900
Applied Computing and Information Technology MSc Luton £9,900
Art and Design MA Luton £9,900
Art,Design and Internet Technologies MA Luton £9,900
Biomedical Engineering MSc Luton £9,900
Biotechnology MSc Luton £9,900
Business Administration MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Brand Management) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Engineering Management) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Finance) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Hospital and Health Services Management) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Human Resource Management) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Information Technology Management) MBA Luton £13,500
Business Administration (Marketing) MBA Luton £13,500
Business and Management MSc Luton £9,900
Business Information Systems MSc Luton £9,900
Computer Networking MSc Luton £9,900
Computer Science MSc Luton £9,900
Computer Security and Forensics MSc Luton £9,900
Corporate Law LLM Luton £9,900
Electronic Engineering MSc Luton £9,900
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc Luton £9,900
English Language Teaching Management MA Luton £9,900
Environmental Management MSc  Luton £9,900
Finance and Business Management MSc Luton £9,900
Information Management and Security MSC Luton £9,900
Information Systems and Business Management MSc Luton £9,900
Intercultural Communication MA Luton £9,900
International Business and Management MSc Luton £9,900
International Commercial Law LLM Luton £9,900
International Human Resource Management MA Luton £9,900
International Relations MA Luton £9,900
International Tourism and Hospitality Management MSc Luton £9,900
International Tourism Management MSc Luton £9,900
Marketing and Business Management MSc Luton £9,900
Mass Communications MA Luton £9,900
Media Culture and Technology MA Luton £9,900
Pharmacology MSc Luton £9,900
Project Management MSc Luton £9,900
Psychological Approaches To Health and Management MSc Luton £9,900
Public Health  MSc Luton £9,900
Telecommunications Management MSc Luton £9,900
Tourism and Environmental Management MSc Luton £9,900
Tourism and Events Mangement MSc Luton £9,900

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