Đại học Macquarie, Sydney, Úc
Thứ Hai - 25/11/2024
1. Website: mq.edu.au/
2. Địa điểm:
Main campus : cách Sydney airport và CBD hơn 30 phút đi xe- Balaclava Rd, Macquarie Park NSW 2109, Australia
City campus : cách Sydney airport và CBD hơn 20 phút đi xe-Angel Place, Lvl 24, 123 Pittt Street, Sydney
3. Loại trường: Đại học công lập
4. Thứ hạng:
#133 thế giới (theo QS University Ranking 2025)
#11 tại Úc (theo QS University Ranking 2025)
5. Tổng sinh viên: >44.000
6. Sinh viên Quốc tế: > 10.000
7. Thế mạnh:
Top 1% Đại học hàng đầu thế gới (QS World University Rankings 2025)
#1 tại Sydney & #8 Úc về tỷ lệ sinh viên có việc làm sau tốt nghiệp (theo QS Ranking 2022)
3 ngành học trong Top 50 thế giới và 11 ngành học trong Top 100 thế giới
Nổi tiếng về đào tạo các ngành sau: Top 100 TG về các ngành Tài chính, Kế toán và Quản trị kinh doanh; #1 tại Úc và #56 TG về chương trình MBA; #44 TG về Khoa học trái đất và biển; #76 TG về Khoa học Xã hội & Nhân văn;
Khu học xá hiện đại nằm ngay Trung tâm Khu Công nghệ Cao lớn nhất Nam Bán Cầu
Khuôn viên rộng 126 hecta với bệnh viện và ga tàu điện ngầm riêng
300+ đối tác doanh nghiệp tuyển dụng ngay trong khuôn viên trường
Học bổng đến 40.000 AUD.
Được Tổ chức QS uy tín đánh giá 5 SAO về tất cả các hạng mục bao gồm: Chất lượng giảng dạy; Cơ hội tìm kiếm việc làm của SV sau khi tốt nghiệp; Nghiên cứu; Quốc tế hoá; Cơ sở vật chất và trang thiết bị; Đổi mới; Cơ hội tiếp cận giáo dục cho nhiều đối tượng sinh viên khác nhau; Các môn học chuyên ngành xuất sắc;
Trường có hai cơ sở đào tạo tại North Ryde (cách trung tâm Sydney khoảng 15 km) và Macquarie City campus nằm ngay tại trung tâm thành phố Sydney, cách cầu cảng Sydney chỉ 10 phút đi bộ;
Cơ sở vật chất hiện đại nhất nhì tại Australia, được đầu tư hơn 1 tỉ AUD, bao gồm: các viện nghiên cứu tiên tiến có mối quan hệ chặt chẽ với chính phủ; các ngành công nghiệp và cộng đồng; thư viện, phòng máy tính, trung tâm thể thao, công viên nghệ thuật và nhiều tiện ích khác, đem đến một không gian học tập và sinh hoạt tiện nghi nhất cho hơn 40.000 sinh viên;
Dịch vụ hỗ trợ toàn diện dành cho sinh viên quốc tế: học tập, phát triển kỹ năng ngôn ngữ, phúc lợi cá nhân…;
Sinh viên được phép làm thêm 40 giờ/2 tuần trong khi học và làm toàn thời gian trong kỳ nghỉ, lễ;
Ở lại làm việc 2-3 năm sau khi tốt nghiệp và cơ hội định cư ngay tại Úc.
8. Chương trình đào tạo:
a. Các bậc:
Tiếng Anh
Dự bị Đại học
Cao đẳng/Cử nhân
Thạc sỹ/Tiến sỹ
b. Các khoa:
Trường có 4 khoa:
Faculty of Arts
Department of Ancient History
Department of Anthropology
Department of English
Department of Geography and Planning
Department of Indigenous Studies
Department of International Studies: Languages and Cultures
Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations
Department of Philosophy
Department of Security Studies and Criminology (formerly Department of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism)
Department of Sociology
Macquarie Law School
Macquarie School of Education
Big History Institute
Macquarie Business School
Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance
Department of Applied Finance
Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics
Department of Economics
Department of Marketing
Department of Management
Faculty of Medicine, Health & Human Sciences
Australian Institute of Health Innovation
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Clinical Medicine
Department of Cognitive Science
Department of Health Professions
Department of Health Systems and Populations
Department of Linguistics
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science & Engineering
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Molecular Sciences
Department of Chiropractic
Department of Computing
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
School of Engineering
Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Australian Astronomical Optics (AAO)
Applied BioSciences
c. Các ngành học: www.mq.edu.au/study/find-a-course
Bachelor of Arts Majors
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Social Science Majors
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Environment, Society and Law
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Media, Technology and the Law
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Politics
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Refugee Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Social Justice
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Criminology
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Environment, Society and Law
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Refugee Studies
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Social Justice
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Majors
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws Majors
Juris Doctor
Master of International Trade and Commerce Law
Master of Laws
Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Planning with a Specialisation in Environmental Law
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Criminology and Master of Laws
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Intelligence and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of International Business and Master of International Trade and Commerce Law
Master of International Relations and Master of International Trade and Commerce Law
Master of International Relations and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Public and Social Policy and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Arts & Social Science
Bachelor of Ancient History Specialisations
Bachelor of Archaeology Specialisations
Bachelor of Arts Majors
Bachelor of International Studies Specialisations
Bachelor of Planning
Bachelor of Security Studies
Bachelor of Social Science Majors
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages and Cultures of Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages and Cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Late Antiquity
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages of the Ancient Mediterranean
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Cultures of Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Late Antiquity
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Landscape Processes for Archaeologists
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Studies in Human Biology
Bachelor of Archaeology with a Specialisation in Studies in Palaeobiology
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Greece, Rome and Late Antiquity
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Languages
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Chinese Studie
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Creative Writing
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Croatian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Cultural Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Environment, Society and Law
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in French and Francophone Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Gender Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Geography
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in German Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Global Health
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Hellenic Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Human Geography
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Indigenous Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in International Relations
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Italian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Japanese Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Media, Culture and Communications
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Modern Greek Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Modern History
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Polish Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Political Economy
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Politics
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Refugee Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Religion and Society
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Russian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Social Justice
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Spanish and Latin American Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Urban Studies
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Anthropology
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Environment, Society and Law
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Geography
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Global Health
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Human Geography
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Indigenous Studies
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in International Relations
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Political Economy
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Politics
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Race, Gender and Diversity
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Refugee Studies
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Social Justice
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Sociology
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Urban Studies
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Administration Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Majors
Master of Creative Writing
Master of International Relations
Master of Planning Specialisations
Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Planning with a Specialisation in Environmental Law
Master of Planning with a Specialisation in Environmental Planning
Master of Planning with a Specialisation in Social Policy and Planning
Master of Criminology and Master of International Relations
Master of Criminology and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of International Relations
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Intelligence and Master of International Relations
Master of Intelligence and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of International Business and Master of International Relations
Master of International Relations and Master of International Trade and Commerce Law
Master of International Relations and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of International Relations and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of International Relations and Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Master of Public and Social Policy and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Graduate Certificate of Editing and Electronic Publishing
Media, Communications & Performing Arts
Bachelor of Arts Majors
Bachelor of Marketing and Media
Bachelor of Media and Communications Majors
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Creative Writing
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Cultural Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Games and Interactivity
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Interactive Design
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in International Communications
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Journalism and Non-Fiction Writing
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Media Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Media, Culture and Communications
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Media, Technology and the Law
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Moving Image and Sound Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Music Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Performing Arts Industries: Dance, Theatre and Creativity
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Public Relations and Social Media
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Radio and Podcasting
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Screen Practice and Production
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Interactive Design
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in International Communications
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Journalism and Non-Fiction Writing
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Media Studies
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Moving Image and Sound Studies
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Public Relations and Social Media
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Radio and Podcasting
Bachelor of Media and Communications with a Major in Screen Practice and Production
Master of Creative Industries Specialisations
Master of Creative Writing
Master of Media and Communications Specialisations
Master of Creative Industries with a Specialisation in Creative Sound Production
Master of Creative Industries with a Specialisation in Screen and Performance Production
Master of Media and Communications with a Specialisation in Global Communications
Master of Media and Communications with a Specialisation in Social Media and Journalism
Master of Creative Industries and Master of Marketing Specialisations
Master of Creative Industries and Master of Media and Communications Specialisations
Master of Marketing and Master of Media and communications Specialisations
Graduate Certificate of Editing and Electronic Publishing
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary) Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Majors
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Majors
Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Specialisations
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary) with a Major in Early Childhood Teaching
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Master of Early Childhood Specialisations
Master of Education Specialisations
Master of Teaching (Birth to Five Years)
Master of Teaching (Primary)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Master of Early Childhood with a Specialisation in Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Master of Education with a Specialisation in Leadership in School Education
Master of Education with a Specialisation in Special Education Studies
Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood
Graduate Certificate of Education
Graduate Certificate of TESOL
Bachelor of Advanced Science Specialisations
Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation
Bachelor of Environment Majors
Bachelor of Marine Science
Bachelor of Science Specialisations
Bachelor of Advanced Science with a Specialisation in Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics
Bachelor of Advanced Science with a Specialisation in Advanced Biomolecular Sciences
Bachelor of Advanced Science with a Specialisation in Advanced Chemistry
Bachelor of Advanced Science with a Specialisation in Advanced Palaeobiology
Bachelor of Advanced Science with a Specialisation in Advanced Physics
Bachelor of Environment with a Major in Environmental Biology
Bachelor of Environment with a Major in Environmental Geoscience
Bachelor of Environment with a Major in Environmental Management
Bachelor of Medical Sciences with a Major in Analytical Biosciences
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Biology
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Human Biology
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Palaeobiology
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Physics
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Majors
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science Majors
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Specialisations
Master of Applied Statistics
Master of Biostatistics
Master of Biotechnology
Master of Biotechnology and Business
Master of Conservation Biology
Master of Data Science
Master of Environment
Master of Laboratory Analysis, Quality and Management
Master of Marine Science and Management
Master of Radiopharmaceutical Science
Master of Science Innovation in Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Master of Science Innovation in Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences
Master of Science Innovation in Environmental Sciences
Master of Science Innovation in Geology and Geophysics
Master of Science Innovation in Statistics
Master of Sustainable Development
Graduate Diploma of Applied Statistics
Graduate Diploma of Conservation Biology
Graduate Diploma of Environment
Graduate Diploma of Marine Science and Management
Graduate Certificate of Applied Statistics
Graduate Certificate of Biostatistics
Graduate Certificate of Conservation Biology
Graduate Certificate of Environment
Graduate Certificate of Marine Science and Management
Information Technology
Bachelor of Advanced Information Technology Majors
Bachelor of Cyber Security
Bachelor of Game Design and Development
Bachelor of Information Technology Majors
Bachelor of Advanced Information Technology with a Major in Cyber Security
Bachelor of Advanced Information Technology with a Major in Game Development
Bachelor of Advanced Information Technology with a Major in Web and Mobile App Development
Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Business Statistics
Bachelor of Information Technology with a Major in Cyber Security
Bachelor of Information Technology with a Major in Game Development
Bachelor of Information Technology with a Major in Web and Mobile App Development
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Computing
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology Majors
Master of Data Science
Master of Information Systems Management
Master of Information Technology in Cyber Security
Master of Information Technology in Networking
Master of Business Analytics and Master of Information Systems Management
Master of Business Analytics and Master of Information Technology in Cyber Security
Master of Business Analytics and Master of Information Technology in Networking
Psychology & Cognitive Science
Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Psychological Studies
Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Psychology Majors
Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Psychology
Master of Clinical Neuropsychology
Master of Clinical Psychology
Master of Organisational Psychology
Graduate Diploma of Business Psychology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Civil Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Electrical Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Electronics Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Mechanical Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Mechatronic Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with a Specialisation in Software Engineering Other Specialisations available
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Majors
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Specialisations
Master of Engineering in Electronics Engineering
Master of Engineering in Environmental and Safety Engineering
Master of Engineering in Networking and Telecommunications Engineering Specialisations
Master of Engineering Management
Medicine & Health
Bachelor of Chiropractic Science
Bachelor of Clinical Science
Bachelor of Human Sciences Majors
Bachelor of Medical Sciences Majors
Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Global Health
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Community Services
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Human Movement
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Public Health: Policy and Promotion
Bachelor of Medical Sciences with a Major in Anatomy and Physiology
Bachelor of Science with a Specialisation in Human Biology
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Global Health
Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Physiotherapy
Master of Chiropractic
Master of Clinical Audiology
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health (Research)
Master of Radiopharmaceutical Science
Master of Speech and Language Pathology
Language & Linguistics
Bachelor of Ancient History Specialisations
Bachelor of Archaeology Specialisations
Bachelor of Arts Majors
Bachelor of International Studies Specialisations
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences Specialisations
Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages and Cultures of Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages and Cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Late Antiquity
Bachelor of Ancient History with a Specialisation in Languages of the Ancient Mediterranean
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Greece, Rome and Late Antiquity
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Ancient Languages
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Chinese Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Croatian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in French and Francophone Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in German Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Hellenic Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Italian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Japanese Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Modern Greek Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Polish Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Russian Studies
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Spanish and Latin American Studies
Bachelor of Human Sciences with a Major in Professional, Organisational and Workplace Communication
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Chinese International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Croatian International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in French and Francophone International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in German International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Italian International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Modern Greek International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Polish International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies with a Specialisation in Russian International Studies
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences with a Specialisation in Applied Linguistics
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences with a Specialisation in Child Language Acquisition
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences with a Specialisation in Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Majors
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Majors
Master of Applied Linguistics
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Master of Clinical Audiology
Master of Conference Interpreting
Master of Speech and Language Pathology
Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies (Advanced)
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Master of International Relations and Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Graduate Diploma of Translating and Interpreting
Graduate Certificate of Editing and Electronic Publishing
Graduate Certificate of TESOL
Security, Intelligence & Criminology
Bachelor of Arts Majors
Bachelor of Security Studies
Bachelor of Social Science Majors
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Criminology
Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Criminology
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Majors
Master of Counter Terrorism
Master of Criminology
Master of Cyber Security Analysis
Master of Intelligence
Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of Criminology
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of Intelligence
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of International Relations
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Counter Terrorism and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of Criminology and Master of Cyber Security Analysis
Master of Criminology and Master of Intelligence
Master of Criminology and Master of International Relations
Master of Criminology and Master of Laws
Master of Criminology and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Criminology and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of Intelligence
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of International Relations
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Cyber Security Analysis and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of Intelligence and Master of International Relations
Master of Intelligence and Master of Public and Social Policy
Master of Intelligence and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of International Relations and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Master of Public and Social Policy and Master of Security and Strategic Studies
Graduate Certificate of Security Studies and Criminology
9. Yêu cầu đầu vào:
Dự bị Đại học:
Standard: Hết lớp 11, GPA≥6.5, IELTS ≥ 5.5;
Intensive: hết lớp 12, GPA≥6.0, IELTS ≥ 5.5;
Cao đẳng: Hết lớp 12, GPA≥6.5, IELTS ≥ 6.0;
Cử nhân: Hết lớp 12 tại 113 trường phổ thông Việt Nam được nhận vào thẳng (xem danh sách tại đây ) , GPA≥8.0, IELTS ≥ 6.5 (tùy ngành) hoặc hoàn thành Dự bị đại học/ Cao đẳng;
Thạc sỹ tín chỉ: Tốt nghiệp đại học, IELTS ≥ 6.5
Thạc sỹ nghiên cứu/ Tiến sỹ: Tốt nghiệp đại học/ thạc sỹ, có kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu, IELTS ≥ 6.5
10. Kỳ nhập học:
Dự bị/ Cao đẳng: Tháng 2, 4, 7, 10
Cử nhân/ Thạc sỹ: Tháng 2, 7
11. Hồ sơ xin học:
Bằng của cấp học cao nhất;
Học bạ của 2 năm gần nhất
Chứng chỉ tiếng Anh- nếu có;
Hộ chiếu (trang có ảnh và chữ kí)- nếu có;
Thành tích học tập- phấn đấu khác- nếu nhắm học bổng
Thạc sỹ- thêm
02 Thư giới thiệu;
Tiến sỹ/ thạc sỹ nghiên cứu- thêm:
Đề cương nghiên cứu khoa học;
Các bài báo đã đăng.
12. Học phí:
Dự bị: $14.800 – $29.700 AUD/năm;
Cao đẳng: $36.400 – $36.900AUD/năm;
Đại học: $38.800 – $49.700AUD/năm;
Thạc sỹ: $37.400 – $49.000AUD/năm;
Xem học phí chi tiết: Xem tại đây
13. Chi phí sinh hoạt: AUD 20.000- AUD 25.000 /năm
14. Học bổng:
Xem chi tiết: www.mq.edu.au/study/admissions-and-entry/scholarships/international
ASEAN $10,000 Early Acceptance Scholarship : trị giá 10.000 AUD/ 1 năm cho toàn bộ khóa học, áp dụng cho tất cả sinh viên nhập học chương trình cử nhân và thạc sỹ tín chỉ- bất cứ chương trình học nào, trừ các chương trình excluding Graduate Certificates, Bachelor of Clinical Science, Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours), Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physiotherapy, Master of Clinical Audiology, Master of Clinical Psychology, Master of Clinical Neuropsychology, Master of Organisational Psychology, Master of Professional Psychology, Master of Speech and Language Pathology). Tổng giá trị học bổng có thể lên đến 30.000- 40.000 AUD;
Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship : trị giá đến 10.000 AUD- cấp 1 lần dành cho chương trình cử nhân và thạc sỹ;
Sponsored Student Grant : trị giá 5.000 AUD dành cho sinh viên quốc tế tương lai bắt đầu khóa học vào năm 2024 khi nhận học bổng châu Á hoặc Úc;
ASEAN Partner Institution Scholarship : trị giá 15.000 AUD/năm cho toàn khoá học cử nhân và thạc sỹ, dành cho sinh viên từ các trường đối tác của Macquarie;
Macquarie University Alumni Scholarship : 10% học phí dành cho cựu sinh viên đại học Macquarie học tiếp lên chương trình sau đại học;
SEA Women in Management and Finance Scholarship : Trị giá 30% học phí, dành cho nữ sinh viên có thành tích học tập xuất sắc, nộp các chương trình Thạc sĩ về Quản trị và Tài chính ứng dụng;
Faculty of Science and Engineering Women in STEM Scholarship : trị giá 5.000 AUD cho 4 năm học dành cho các học giả nữ theo học khối ngành STEM;
Faculty of Science and Engineering Sustainability Scholarship : trị giá 5.000 AUD lên đến 4 năm dành cho các sinh viên có tiềm năng tạo ra những tác động tích cực trong việc hỗ trợ các mục tiêu Phát triển bền vững của Liên Hợp Quốc;
Macquarie University-ANU Alumni Postgraduate Support Scheme : 10% học phí dành cho cựu DHS của ANU học tập các chương trình sau Đại học của Macquarie.
Macquarie University College scholarship : Trị giá 5.000 AUD dành cho sinh viên quốc tế đăng kí các chương trình dự bị Đại học (Standard Foundation) hoặc Cao đẳng (Diploma);
English Language Scholarship : Trị giá 50% học phí khóa học tiếng Anh (lên đến 10 tuần), dành cho các sinh viên học khóa học tiếng Anh ELC trước khi chuyển tiếp lên khóa Cử nhân hoặc Thạc sỹ tại Đại học Macquarie.
15. Nhà ở: HS- SV có thể chọn homestay, KTX, share phòng (nếu trên 18 tuổi) hoặc ở với người nhà.
Link chi tiết nhà ở của trường: https://students.mq.edu.au/uni-life/accommodation
16. Hỗ trợ từ Đức Anh A&T:
Là một trong rất ít Đại diện ủy quyền của trường tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi:
Giúp bạn gạt bỏ hoàn toàn các mối lo về giấy tờ, hồ sơ, thủ tục…;
MIỄN phí hành chính, MIỄN phí thù lao, MIỄN phí dịch thuật, TẶNG voucher quà tặng $200 (áp dụng có điều kiện);
Mang đến cho bạn lựa chọn tốt nhất về trường học, ngành học, học bổng;
Là TOP PERFORMING AGENT, chúng tôi cam kết dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp- hiệu quả;
Tỷ lệ visa LUÔN cao nhất nhì Việt Nam;
Hỗ trợ bạn trong suốt quá trình bạn du học- làm việc tại nước ngoài.
99,9% cựu DHS hài lòng về dịch vụ của DUC ANH EduConnect và nếu bạn cũng muốn thành công, chúng tôi sẵn sàng hỗ trợ các bạn!
Chi tiết về thủ tục xin học, học bổng, visa du học và các vấn đề liên quan, vui lòng liên hệ:
DUC ANH EduConnect
Hà Nội- HCM- Vinh- Quảng Ngãi- Viêng Chăn- Melbourne
Website: ducanhduhoc.vn
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/DucAnhAT
Hotline chung: 09887 09698- 09630 49860- 09830 75915- 09837 60440
Bài viết liên quan
Đại học Melbourne tự hào mang đến một trong những hệ thống hỗ trợ sinh viên toàn diện nhất tại Úc, đảm bảo mỗi sinh viên đều có thể trải…
Học bổng du học Úc
HỌC BỔNG KHỐI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC (Gồm các khóa Cử nhân, Thạc sỹ, Tiến sỹ & các khóa tiền đại học: Dự bị, Cao Đẳng, Dự bị Thạc sỹ, tiếng…
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I/ THAY ĐỔI!!! Theo đó, 19/12/2024, theo quy định MD111 (Ministerial Direction 111), Úc sẽ xét visa theo các ưu tiên sau: 1. Ưu tiên 1 – Mức độ Cao:…
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