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Danh sách các trường cao đẳng công lập Úc/ TAFE

Thứ Năm - 01/03/2018

*6 bang, 2 vùng lãnh thổ với 62 trường cao đẳng công lập, 100% vốn nhà nước

Bang New South Wales (NSW)

  1. Hunter Institute  [Hunter]
  2. Illawarra Institute  [Illawarra]
  3. New England Institute  [New England]
  4. North Coast Institute  [NCI]
  5. Northern Sydney Institute  [NSIT]
  6. Open Training & Education Network  [OTEN-DE]
  7. Riverina Institute  [RIT]
  8. South Western Sydney Institute  [SWSI]
  9. Southern Sydney Institute  [SSI]
  10. Sydney Institute  [SIT]
  11. Western Institute  [WIT]
  12. Western Sydney Institute  [WSI]

Bang Victoria (VIC)

  1. Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE  [BRIT]
  2. Box Hill Institute of TAFE  [Box Hill TAFE]
  3. Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE  [Gipps TAFE]
  4. Chisholm Institute of TAFE  [Chisholm]
  5. East Gippsland Institute of TAFE  [East Gippsland TAFE]
  6. Gordon Institute of TAFE  [Gordon]
  7. Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE  [GO TAFE]
  8. Holmesglen Institute of TAFE  [Holmesglen]
  9. Institute of Land and Resources (TAFE)  [LandFood]
  10. Kangan Batman Institute of TAFE  [Kangan]
  11. NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)  [NMIT]
  13. South West Institute of TAFE  [SWIT]
  14. Sunraysia Institute of TAFE  [SuniTAFE]
  15. SwinburneUniversity of Technology TAFE  [Swinburne TAFE]
  16. University of Ballarat (TAFE)  [Ballarat TAFE]
  17. VictoriaUniversity (TAFE)  [VU TAFE]
  18. William Angliss Institute of TAFE  [William Angliss]
  19. Wodonga Institute of TAFE  [Wodonga TAFE]

Bang Queensland (QLD)

  1. Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE  [Barrier Reef]
  2. Brisbane North Institute of TAFE  [Brisbane North]
  3. Central Queensland Institute of TAFE  [CQIT]
  4. Cooloola Sunshine Institute of TAFE  [CSIT]
  5. Gold Coast Institute of TAFE  [GCIT]
  6. Logan Institute of TAFE  [Logan]
  7. Moreton Institute of TAFE  [Morton]
  8. Mt. Isa Institute of TAFE  [MTISA]
  9. Open Learning Institute of TAFE  [OLI]
  10. Southbank Institute of TAFE  [SOUTHBANK]
  11. Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE  [SQIT]
  12. The Bremer Institute of TAFE  [Bremer]
  13. Tropical Institute – Cairns  [Tropical]
  14. Tropical North Institute of TAFE  [TNQIT]
  15. Wide Bay Institute of TAFE  [WIDEBAY]
  16. Yeronga Institute of TAFE  [YERONGA]

Bang Canberra (ACT)

  1. Canberra Institute of Technology  [CIT]

Bang Western Australia (WA)

  1. Central Institute of Technology  [CENTRAL]
  2. CentralWestCollege of TAFE  [CENTRAL WEST]
  3. Challenger TAFE  [CHALLENGER]
  4. KimberleyCollege of TAFE  [KIMTAFE]
  5. Pilbara TAFE  [Pilbara]
  6. SouthWestRegionalCollege of TAFE  [SWRC]
  7. Swan TAFE  [SWAN]
  8. West CoastCollege of TAFE  [WESTCOAST

Bang South Australia (SA)

Bang Tasmania (TAS)

  1. The Institute of TAFETasmania  [TAFE TASMANIA]

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