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Danh sách các trường đại học Canada xếp theo bang

Thứ Ba - 20/08/2019


  1. Athabasca University
  2. Grant MacEwan University
  3. Mount Royal University
  4. University of Alberta
  5. University of Calgary
  6. University of Lethbridge

British Columbia

  1. Capilano University
  2. Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  3. Fairleigh Dickinson University
  4. Kwantlen Polytechnic University
  5. Quest University
  6. Royal Roads University
  7. Simon Fraser University
  8. Thompson Rivers University
  9. Trinity Western University
  10. University of British Columbia
  11. University of Victoria
  12. University Canada West
  13. University of the Fraser Valley
  14. University of Northern British Columbia
  15. Vancouver Island University


  1. Booth University College, (Winnipeg)
  2. Brandon University, (Brandon)
  3. Canadian Mennonite University, (Winnipeg)
  4. University College of the North, (The Pas & Thompson)
  5. University of Manitoba, (Winnipeg)
  6. University of Winnipeg, (Winnipeg)
  7. Université de Saint-Boniface, (Winnipeg)

New Brunswick

  1. Kingswood University, (Sussex)
  2. Crandall University, (Moncton)
  3. Mount Allison University, (Sackville)
  4. St. Stephen’s University, (St. Stephen)
  5. St. Thomas University, (Fredericton)
  6. University of Fredericton, (Fredericton)
  7. University of New Brunswick, (Fredericton & Saint John)
  8. Université de MonctonMoncton, (ShippaganEdmundston)

 Newfoundland & Labrador

  1. Memorial University of Newfoundland, (St. John’sCorner Brook & Harlow, UK)

Nova Scotia

  1. Acadia University, (Wolfville)
  2. Atlantic School of Theology, (Halifax)
  3. Cape Breton University, (Sydney)
  4. Dalhousie University, (Halifax)
  5. University of King’s College, (Halifax)
  6. Mount Saint Vincent University, (Halifax)
  7. NSCAD University, (Halifax)
  8. Saint Francis Xavier University, (Antigonish)
  9. Saint Mary’s University, (Halifax)
  10. Université Sainte-Anne, (Church Point)


  1. Algoma University,(Sault Ste. Marie)
  2. Brock University, (St. Catharines)
  3. Carleton University, (Ottawa)
  4. Dominican University College, (Ottawa)
  5. Lakehead University, (Thunder Bay & Orillia)
  6. Laurentian University, (Sudbury & four locations)
  7. McMaster University, (Hamilton)
  8. Nipissing University, (North Bay & two locations)
  9. OCAD University; (Toronto)
  10. Queen’s University, (Kingston & Herstmonceux, UK)
  11. Saint Paul University, (Ottawa)
  12. Tyndale University College, (Toronto)
  13. Redeemer University College, (Ancaster)
  14. Royal Military College of Canada, (Kingston)
  15. Ryerson University, (Toronto)
  16. Trent University, (Peterborough & Oshawa)
  17. University of Guelph, (Guelph & four locations)
  18. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, (Oshawa)
  19. University of Ottawa, (Ottawa)
  20. University of Toronto, (Toronto & two locations)
  21. University of Waterloo, (Waterloo & four locations )
  22. University of Western Ontario, (London)
  23. University of Windsor,  (Windsor)
  24. Wilfrid Laurier University, (Waterloo & two locations)
  25. York University, (Toronto)

Prince Edward Island

  1. University of Prince Edward Island, (Charlottetown)


  1. Bishop’s University
  2. Concordia University
  3. École de technologie supérieure
  4. École nationale d’administration publique
  5. École Polytechnique de Montréal
  6. HEC Montréal
  7. Institut national de la recherche scientifique
  8. McGill University
  9. Université de Montréal
  10. Université de Sherbrooke
  11. Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
  12. Université du Québec en Outaouais
  13. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
  14. Université du Québec à Montréal
  15. Université du Québec à Rimouski
  16. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  17. Université Laval


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