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NEW ZEALAND – List Of Uni/College/Schools Presenting

Thứ Tư - 31/01/2024
No Name of Institution Training Programs Campus Website
I University
1 Victoria University Of Wellington (VUW) E, F, BA, MA, PHD Wellington, Kelbrun, Pipitea, Te Aro www.victoria.ac.nz/
2 Lincoln University EAP, CUS, DUS, Dip, BA, Post Dip, MA, PHD Chrischurch, Te Waihora, Telford www.lincoln.ac.nz/
3 The University Of Auckland E, F, BA, MA, PHD Auckland/ Wellington www.auckland.ac.nz
ELA_English Language Academy (The University Of Auckland) E, HS Auckland www.ela.auckland.ac.nz/
4 Massey University E, F, BA, MA, PHD Wellington,Manawatu,
Massey University College – MUC (with Kaplan) E, F, D, Graduate Palmerston North college.massey.ac.nz/index.html
5 Auckland University Of Technology (AUT) E, F, BA, MA, PHD Auckland, AUT City, AUT South, AUT North www.aut.ac.nz
6 University Of Otago BA, MA, PHD Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Southland www.otago.ac.nz
Uni of Otago Language Centre And Foundation Year E, F, DIP www.otago.ac.nz/uolcfy/
7 The University Of Waikato E, F, BA, MA, PHD Hamilton, Tauranga www.waikato.ac.nz/
8 University Of Canterbury E, F, BA, MA, PHD UC Education Plus Christchurch, UC Nelson Centre, UC New Plymouth Centre, UC Rotorua Centre www.canterbury.ac.nz/
II Polytechnic/ Gov
1 Ara Institute of Canterbury E, Fo, Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip, Ma Christchurch City, Manawa, Woolston, Timaru, Ashburton, Oamaru www.ara.ac.nz/
2 Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) E, Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip, Ma Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne www.eit.ac.nz/
3 Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) E, DIP, BA, Gra Cert/ Dip Auckland: Ōtara, Manukau, Techpark, City Campus, Kolmar www.manukau.ac.nz/
4 Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) Ce, Dip, Ba, Ma Nelson, Richmond, Blenheim and Woodbourne www.nmit.ac.nz
5 NorthTec Ce, Dip, Ba Auckland, Kaitaia, Kerikeri, Ngawha, Whangarei www.northtec.ac.nz/
6 Open Polytechnic Ce, Dip, Ba, Gra Cert/Gra Dip Lower Hutt www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz/
7 Otago Polytechnic Ce, Dip. Gra Cert/Gra Dip, Ba, Post Cert/Post Dip, Ma, Doc Dunedin, Cromwell and Wānaka www.op.ac.nz/
8 Southern Institute Of Technology (SIT) Ce, Dip. Gra Cert/Gra Dip, Ba, Post Cert/Post Dip, Ma Invercargill, Christchurch, Queenstown, Gore, Mainz, Telford www.sit.ac.nz
9 Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Ce, Dip, Gra Dip, Ba, Post Dip, Ma Moikoia, Taupa, Tokora, Waipa, Whakatane, Windermere toiohomai.ac.nz/
10 Tai Poutini Polytechnic (TPP) E, F, DIP, BA Greymouth, Westport, Reefton,
Wanaka, Christchurch, Auckland
11 Universal College of Learning (UCOL) Ce, Dip, Gra Dip, Ba, Post Dip, Ma Manawatū, Whanganui, Wairarapa and Horowhenua www.ucol.ac.nz/
12 Unitec Institute Of Technology (Unitec) Ce, Dip, Gra Dip, Post Dip, Ba, Ma Mt Albert, Waitakere www.unitec.ac.nz/
13 Wellington Institute of Technology Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip, Post Cert/Post Dip, Ma Petone, Porirua, Te Kāhui Auaha www.whitireiaweltec.ac.nz/
14 Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip, Ma Hamilton, Rotokauri, Hamilton Gardens, Thames, Ōtorohanga www.wintec.ac.nz/
15 Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip Taranaki, Hawera www.witt.ac.nz/
16 Whitireia New Zealand Cert, Dip, Ba, Gra Dip, Post Cert/Post Dip, Ma Petone, Porirua, Te Kāhui Auaha www.whitireiaweltec.ac.nz/
III Colleges/ Private
1 Ais St.Helen (Auckland Institute of Studies) E, F, DIP, BA, MA Auckland/ ST HELENS/ASQUITH www.ais.ac.nz/
2 Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS) E, DIP, BA, MA New Plymouth www.pihms.ac.nz/
3 Avonmore Tertiary Institute E, DIP Chirstchurch, Auckland, Manakau, Northshore, Tauranga www.avonmore.ac.nz/
4 Crown Institute Of Studies E, F, DIP, BA, MBA Auckland www.crown.ac.nz/
5 AGI Education Limited Cert, Dip Auckland www.agi.ac.nz
6 Queenstown Resort College (QRC) E, DIP (link to SIT/OTAGO) Queenstown www.queenstownresortcollege.com/
7 Le Cordon Bleu Ce,Dip Wellington www.cordonbleu.edu/new-zealand/welcome-to-new-zealand/en
8 UP Education E, Dip, Cert Auckland www.up.education/
The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies partnerships.up.education/uoa/
Victoria University of Wellington Foundation Studies Programme partnerships.up.education/wellington/
AUT Certificate in Foundation Studies partnerships.up.education/aut/
New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA) www.nzma.ac.nz/
New Zealand Tertiary College www.nztertiarycollege.ac.nz/
New Zealand School of Tourism (NZST) nzschooloftourism.co.nz/
New Zealand Institute of Sport (NZIS) www.nzis.co.nz/
Yoobee Colleges www.yoobee.ac.nz/
Elite School of Beauty and Spa www.elitebeautyschool.co.nz/
Cut Above Academy www.cutabove.ac.nz/
Face & Beauty Academy www.faceandbeauty.com/
The Culinary Collective culinarycollective.co.nz/
12 Navitas  
University of Canterbury E, F, DIP Christchurch www.canterbury.ac.nz/
Christchurch Institute of Business and Technology E, F, DIP Christchurch www.nzqa.govt.nz/
IV Schools
1 Aotea College E, Y9-13/Coedu Porirua aotea.school.nz/
2 Avondale College E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.avcol.school.nz/about/about_us.aspx
3 Cambridge High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Cambridge www.camhigh.school.nz/
4 Christchurch Boys’ High School E, Y9-13/Boys Christchurch www.cbhs.school.nz/
5 Hutt Valley High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Wellington www.hvhs.school.nz/
6 James Hargest College E, Y9-13/Coedu Invercargill, Southland www.jameshargest.school.nz/
7 Long Bay College E, Y9-13/Coedu Torbay, Auckland www.longbaycollege.com/
8 Middleton Grange School HS, Y1-13/Coedu Christchurch www.middleton.school.nz
9 Mount Albert Grammar School E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.mags.school.nz
10 Napier Girls’ High School (NGHS) Y9-13/Girls Napier www.nghs.school.nz/
11 Otago Boys High School Y9-13/Boys Dunedin www.obhs.school.nz/
12 Otago Girls High School E, Y9-13/Girls Dunedin www.otagogirls.school.nz/
13 Upper Hutt College E, Y9-13/Coedu Upper Hutt upperhutt.ibdn.nz/
14 Paraparaumu College E, Y9-13/Coedu Paraparaumu paraparaumucollege.school.nz/
15 Pakuranga College E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.pakuranga.school.nz/
16 Pukekohe High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Pukekohe, Auckland www.pukekohehigh.school.nz/
17 Taylor Colleges Y10-12/Coedu
18 SomerVille Intermediate School HS, Y7-8/Coedu Somerville, Auckland www.somervilleintermediate.school.nz/
19 Westlake Boys High Schools E,Y9-13/Boys Takapuna www.westlake.school.nz/
20 William Colenso College HS, Y11-Y14/Coedu Napier colenso.school.nz/
21 Epsom Girls Grammar Schools E, Y9-13/Girls Auckland www.eggs.school.nz/
22 Auckland Grammar School (AGS) E, Y9-13/Boys Auckland www.ags.school.nz/
23 Newlands College E, Y9-13/Coedu Newlands,Wellington www.newlands.school.nz/
24 Onehunga High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.onehungahigh.school.nz
25 Waiuku College Waiuku waiuku-college.school.nz/
26 Wellington Girls’ College E, Y9-13/Girls Thorndon, Wellington wgc.school.nz/
27 Wellington High School Y11-13/Coedu Wellington www.whs.school.nz/
28 Napier Boys High School (NBHS) Y9-13/Boys Napier www.nbhs.school.nz
29 Westlake Girls High Schools E, Y9-13/Girls Takapuna www.westlakegirls.school.nz/
30 Nelson College For Girls E, Y9-13/Girls Auckland www.ncg.school.nz/
31 Botany Downs Secondary College (BDSC) E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.bdsc.school.nz/
32 Onslow College E, Y9-13/Coedu Wellington www.onslow.school.nz/
33 Tauranga Girls School (TGC)/ boy E,Y9-13/Girls/Boys Tauranga www.tgc.school.nz/
34 Kapiti College HS, Y9-13/Coedu Paraparaumu www.kc.school.nz/
35 Northcote College E, Y9-13/Coedu Northcote, Auckland www.northcote.school.nz
36 RoseHill School HS, Special School (age 5-21) Papakura, Auckland www.rosehill.school.nz/
37 Tauranga Girls’ College HS, Y9-13/Girls Tauranga, Bay of Plenty www.tgc.school.nz/
38 John Paul College E, Y9-13/Coedu  Rotorua, Bay of Plenty jpc.school.nz/
39 Mountainview High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Timaru, South Canterbury www.mountainview.school.nz/
40 Mt Roskill Grammar School E, Y9-13/Coedu Mount Roskill, Auckland www.mrgs.school.nz/
41 Nayland College E, Y9-13/Coedu Nelson nayland.school.nz/
42 Villa Maria College E, Y9-13/Girls Christchurch www.villa.school.nz/
43 Te Puke Highschool HS, Y9-13/Coedu www.tepuke.school.nz
44 St Patrick’s College Wellington E, Y9-13/Boys Kilbirnie, Wellington www.stpats.school.nz/
45 Edgewater College E, Y10-13/Coedu Auckland www.edgewater.school.nz/
46 Howick college E, Y9-13/Coedu Howick, Auckland www.howickcollege.school.nz/
47 Wellington college E, Y9-13/Boys Wellington www.wellington-college.school.nz/
48 Woodford House HS, Y7-11/Girls Havelock North www.woodford.school.nz/
49 St Peter’s College E, Y9-13/Coedu Auckland www.st-peters.school.nz/
50 King’s Highschool HS, Y7-13/Boys Dunedin www.kingshigh.school.nz/
51 Albany Junior High School E, Y7-10/Coedu Albany www.ajhs.school.nz/
52 Kristin School HS, Y7-13/Coedu+short coures Albany www.kristin.school.nz/
53 Bayfield High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Dunedin www.bayfield-high.school.nz/
54 Christ’s College HS, E, Y9-13/Boys Christchurch christscollege.com/
55 Green Bay High School E, Y9-13/Coedu Green Bay, Auckland www.greenbayhigh.school.nz/
56 Kavanagh College E, Y9-13/Coedu Dunedin www.kavanagh.school.nz/
57 Mt Maunganui College HS, Y9-13/Coedu Tauranga www.mmc.school.nz/
58 Southland Girls’ High School E, Y9-13/Girls Invercargill www.southlandgirls.school.nz/
59 Taieri College E, Y9-13/Coedu Mosgiel www.taieri.school.nz/
60 Avonside Girl’s High School HS, Y9-13/Girls Christchurch www.avonside.school.nz/
61 Chisnallwood Intermediate school HS, Y7-8/Coedu Christchurch www.chisnallwood.school.nz/
62 Cobham Intermediate School HS, Y7-8/Coedu Christchurch www.cobham.school.nz/
63 Darfield High School E, Y7-13/Coedu Darfield darfield.school.nz/
64 Hillmorton High School HS, Y7-13/Coedu Christchurch www.hillmorton.school.nz/
65 Papanui High School HS,Y9-19/Coedu Christchurch www.papanui.school.nz/
66 Rangiora High School HS, Y7-13/Coedu Rangiora www.rangiorahigh.school.nz/
67 Riccarton High School HS, Y7-13/Coedu Christchurch www.riccarton.school.nz/
68 Shirley boys’ High School E, Y7-13/Coedu Christchurch shirley.school.nz/
69 ST Bede’s College HS, Y9-13/Boys Christchurch www.stbedes.school.nz/
V English schools
1 Campbell Institute – Capital Language Academy E Wellington, Auckland www.campbell.ac.nz
2 Capital Language Academy (CLA) E Wellington N/a
3 Kiwi Group (Kiwi English Academy) E Auckland www.kiwienglish.co.nz
4 Language Schools New Zealand Queenstown (LSNZ) E Queenstown www.languageschool.co.nz/
5 College of English (CCEL) E Christchurch www.ccel.co.nz/
6 Southern Lakes English College E Queenstown www.slec.co.nz
VI ISNZ Member Schools
1 ACG Parnell College Y1-13/Coedu Auckland acgedu.com
2 ACG Strathallan Y1-13/Coedu Auckland acgedu.com
3 ACG Sunderland Preschool – Y13/Coedu Auckland acgedu.com
4 ACG Tauranga Preschool – Y11/Coedu Central North Island acgedu.com
5 Auckland International College (AIC) Y11-13/Coedu Auckland aic.ac.nz
6 Carncot Independent School Y1-8/Coedu Central North Island carncot.school.nz
7 Chilton Saint James School Preschool – Y13/Girls Wellington chilton.school.nz
8 Christ’s College Y9-13/Boys South Island christscollege.com
9 Dilworth School Y5-13/Boys Auckland dilworth.school.nz
10 Diocesan School for Girls Preschool – Y13/Girls Auckland diocesan.school.nz
11 Ficino School Preschool – Y8/Coedu Auckland ficino.school.nz
12 Hereworth School Y1-8/Boys Central North Island hereworth.school.nz
13 Huanui College Y7-13/Coedu Northland huanuicollege.school.nz
14 Huntley School Y3-8/Coedu Central North Island huntley.school.nz
15 King’s College Y9-10/ Boys – Y11-13/Coedu Auckland kingscollege.school.nz
16 King’s School Preschool – Y8/Boys Auckland kings.school.nz
17 Kristin School Preschool – Y13/Coedu Auckland discoverkristin.school.nz
18 Matahui School Y1-8/Coedu Central North Island matahui.school.nz
19 Medbury School Y1-8/Boys South Island medbury.school.nz
20 Pinehurst School Y1-13/Coedu Auckland’s North Shore pinehurst.school.nz
21 Queen Margaret College Preschool – Y13/Girls Wellington qmc.school.nz
22 Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Y7-13/Girls South Island rangiruru.school.nz
23 Saint Kentigern College Y7-13/Coedu Auckland saintkentigern.com
24 Saint Kentigern Boys’ School Y1-8/ Boys Auckland saintkentigern.com
25 Saint Kentigern Girls’ School Preschool – Y8/ Girls auckland saintkentigern.com
26 Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Preschool – Y13/ Girls Wellington marsden.school.nz
27 Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Whitby Y7-13/Coedu Wellington marsden.school.nz
28 Scots College Y1-13/Boys – Y11-13/Girls (from 2020) Wellington scotscollege.school.nz
29 Selwyn House School Preschool – Y8/Coedu South Island selwynhouse.school.nz
30 Seven Oaks School Y1-8/Coedu South Island sevenoaks.school.nz
31 Southwell School Y1-8/Coedu Waikato southwell.school.nz
32 Springbank School Preschool – Y13/Coedu North Island springbank.school.nz
33 St Andrew’s College Preschool – Y13/Coedu South Island stac.school.nz
34 St Cuthbert’s College Y1-13/Girls Auckland stcuthberts.school.nz
35 St George’s School Y2-8/Coedu Central North Island collegiate.school.nz/st-georges
36 St Margaret’s College Preschool – Y13/Girls South Island stmargarets.school.nz
37 St Mark’s Church School Preschool – Y8/Coedy Wellington st-marks.school.nz
38 St Michael’s Church School Y1-8/Coedu South Island saintmichaels.school.nz
39 St Paul’s Collegiate School Y9-10/Boys – Y11-13/Coedu Waikato stpauls.school.nz
40 St Peter’s, Cambridge Y7-13/Coedu Waikato stpeters.school.nz
41 The Cathedral Grammar School Y1-8/Coedu South Island cathedralgrammar.school.nz
42 Waihi School Y4-8/Boys South Island waihi.school.nz
43 Wellesley College Y1-8/Boys Wellington wellesley.school.nz
44 Wentworth School and College Y1-13/Coedu Auckland wentworth.school.nz

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