Nottingham Trent University
Monday - 18/03/2024
Thông tin chính
- Xếp hạng: 42 (The Guardian University Guide 2024)
- Địa chỉ: Nottingham, England
- Thành lập: 1962
- Sinh viên quốc tế: 7.7%
- Khối ngành nổi tiếng: Nghệ thuật và thiết kế, Kiến trúc, Luật
- Học phí quốc tế: £13,450
- Website:
Tổng quan:
Đại học Nottingham Trent có 3 cơ sở, 2 cơ sở tại Nottingham và 1 cơ sở tại ngoại ô thành phố. Đại học Nottingham Trent là một trong những trường đại học lớn nhất ở Vương quốc Anh với 28.000 sinh viên đang theo học. Nottingham Trent ban đầu được thành lập vào năm 1843 trước khi chính thức trở thành trường đại học vào năm 1992. Dựa theo kết quả của National Student Survey, 93% sinh viên Nottingham Trent sẽ giới thiệu người khác theo học tại trường. Ngoài ra, trường còn được vinh danh là ‘Đại học của năm’ trong năm 2023 bởi Whatuni Student Choice Awards.
Đại học Nottingham Trent không chỉ được biết đến với các ngành như: Nghệ thuật và Thiết kế, các chương trình thời trang và nghệ thuật sáng tạo mà trường còn sở hữu một trong những trường Luật lớn nhất Vương quốc Anh. Trường cũng mạnh về lĩnh vực thể thao được các đánh giá cao trong các giải Thể thao Đại học và Cao đẳng của Anh. Gần đây, trường nhận được một trong những khoản tài trợ lớn nhất cho trường đại học sau năm 1992 để tiếp tục việc chẩn đoán và điều trị ung thư.
Nottingham Trent là đối tác với 50 tổ chức chuyên học thuật trên 40 quốc gia với một số chương trình tại trường mang đến cơ hội du học cho sinh viên. Theo khảo sát, có đến 97% sinh viên đại học Nottingham Trent chỉ trong sáu tháng sau khi tốt nghiệp đã có việc làm hoặc theo học lên cao hơn.
Xếp hạng:
- Xếp hạng 11 UK về Thiết kế & Nghệ thuật (1);
- Xếp hạng 6 UK về triển vọng việc làm cho SV tốt nghiệp ngành Kiến trúc (1);
- Được bình chọn “University of the Year 2023” (2);
- Đạt giải VÀNG về chất lượng giảng dạy và học tập xuất sắc (TEF Gold 2023);
- 90% nghiên cứu của Nottingham Trent được xếp vào hàng đầu thế giới, xuất sắc mang tầm quốc tế hoặc được quốc tế công nhận (theo Research Excellence Framework năm 2014). Trong đó, cả hai lĩnh vực Khoa học y sinh và Kỹ thuật đều gây ấn tượng nhất.
Học bổng
Xem chi tiết: tại đây
- Học bổng 50% hoặc 25% học phí – NTU Excellence Scholarships: dành cho bậc cử nhân hoặc thạc sỹ
- Học bổng £2,000 – International Scholarships
- Học bổng £3,000 – International Merit Scholarships
- Học bổng £5,000 – Regional and subject scholarships: dành cho bậc thạc sỹ
- Học bổng 50% học phí – Women in Computer Science: dành cho bậc thạc sỹ
Ngành học:
Dự bị đại học
- BEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
- BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
- BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Data Science (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Statistics (with Foundation Year)
- BSc (Hons) Physics and Mathematics (with Foundation Year)
- FdA Business
- FdA Criminal Justice
- FdA Education
- FdA Education: Policy and Practice
- FdA Games Art
- FdA Graphics & Digital Design
- FdA Music Performance
- FdA Working with Children, Young People and Families
- FdSc Animal Science
- FdSc Artisan Food Production
- FdSc Audio and Music Technology
- FdSc Chemistry
- FdSc Film Production Technology
- FdSc Forensic Science
- FdSc Games Technology
- FdSc Horticulture / Horticulture: Garden Design
- FdSc Live and Technical Events
- FdSc Physics
- FdSc Sport and Exercise Science
- FdSc Television Production Technology
- FdSc Visual Effects Production Technology
- Foundation Nursing Associate Foundation Degree Apprenticeship [Level 5]
Đại học
- BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance
- BA (Hons) Animation
- BA (Hons) Broadcast Journalism
- BA (Hons) Business
- BA (Hons) Business Management (Accelerated)
- BA (Hons) Business Management and Accounting and Finance
- BA (Hons) Business Management and Economics
- BA (Hons) Business Management and Entrepreneurship
- BA (Hons) Business Management and Human Resources
- BA (Hons) Business Management and Marketing
- BA (Hons) Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship
- BA (Hons) Childhood (Psychology)
- BA (Hons) Childhood (Special Educational Needs and Inclusion)
- BA (Hons) Childhood: Learning and Development
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and English
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and Film & TV
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and Global Studies
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and History
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and Media
- BA (Hons) Communication & Society and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) Criminology
- BA (Hons) Design for Stage and Screen (Costume Design and Construction)
- BA (Hons) Design for Stage and Screen (Design for Film and Television)
- BA (Hons) Design for Stage and Screen (Design for Theatre and Live Performance)
- BA (Hons) Digital Marketer Degree Apprenticeship
- BA (Hons) Early Years
- BA (Hons) Economics
- BA (Hons) Economics with Business
- BA (Hons) Economics with International Finance and Banking
- BA (Hons) Education
- BA (Hons) Education (Early Years)
- BA (Hons) Education (Psychology)
- BA (Hons) Education (Special Educational Needs and Inclusion)
- BA (Hons) Education: Policy and Practice ( Clifton Campus )
- BA (Hons) English
- BA (Hons) English and Film & TV
- BA (Hons) English and History
- BA (Hons) English and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) English and Media
- BA (Hons) English and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) English with Secondary Education (QTS)
- BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion
- BA (Hons) Fashion Design
- BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles
- BA (Hons) Fashion Management
- BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Branding
- BA (Hons) Film & TV and History
- BA (Hons) Film & TV and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Filmmaking
- BA (Hons) Fine Art
- BA (Hons) Furniture and Product Design
- BA (Hons) Games Art
- BA (Hons) Global Studies and History
- BA (Hons) Global Studies and International Relations
- BA (Hons) Global Studies and Media
- BA (Hons) Global Studies and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Graphic Design
- BA (Hons) Health and Social Care
- BA (Hons) History
- BA (Hons) History and International Relations
- BA (Hons) History and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) History and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) History and Politics
- BA (Hons) Illustration
- BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
- BA (Hons) International Business
- BA (Hons) International Business (with French)
- BA (Hons) International Business (with Spanish)
- BA (Hons) International Business Management (Top Up)
- BA (Hons) International Fashion Business (1 year top up)
- BA (Hons) International Relations
- BA (Hons) Journalism
- BA (Hons) Level 6 Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship
- BA (Hons) Linguistics and Media
- BA (Hons) Linguistics and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Marketing
- BA (Hons) Media and Film & TV
- BA (Hons) Media and International Relations
- BA (Hons) Media and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Media Communications and Culture
- BA (Hons) Media Production
- BA (Hons) Music Performance
- BA (Hons) Photography
- BA (Hons) Politics
- BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations
- BA (Hons) Primary Education
- BA (Hons) Product Design
- BA (Hons) Professional Policing
- BA (Hons) Social Work
- BA (Hons) Sociology
- BArch (Hons) Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
- BEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Level 6 Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship
- BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Sport Engineering
- BSc (Hons) Biochemistry
- BSc (Hons) Agriculture
- BSc (Hons) Animal Biology
- BSc (Hons) Applied Physics
- BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology
- BSc (Hons) Audio and Music Technology
- BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
- BSc (Hons) Building Surveying
- BSc (Hons) Chemistry
- BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Secondary Education (QTS)
- BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Games Technology)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Computer Systems (Cyber Security)
- BSc (Hons) Computing
- BSc (Hons) Computing with Secondary Education (QTS)
- BSc (Hons) Construction Management
- BSc (Hons) Construction Management (part-time)
- BSc (Hons) Data Science
- BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Science
- BSc (Hons) Equine Behaviour Health and Welfare
- BSc (Hons) Equine Sports Science
- BSc (Hons) Esports Production
- BSc (Hons) Exercise, Nutrition and Health
- BSc (Hons) Film Production Technology
- BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Food Industry Technical Professional Degree Apprenticeship
- BSc (Hons) Food Science and Technology
- BSc (Hons) Forensic Science
- BSc (Hons) Games Production
- BSc (Hons) Geography
- BSc (Hons) Geography (Physical)
- BSc (Hons) Horticulture (Final Year Top-Up)
- BSc (Hons) Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Building Surveyor Pathway) Degree Apprenticeship
- BSc (Hons) Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Quantity Surveyor Pathway) Degree Apprenticeship
- BSc (Hons) Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Real Estate) Degree Apprenticeship
- BSc (Hons) Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional (Software Engineering) Degree Apprenticeship
- BSc (Hons) Live and Technical Events
- BSc (Hons) Management
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Secondary Education (QTS)
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Statistics
- BSc (Hons) Microbiology
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)
- BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science
- BSc (Hons) Physics
- BSc (Hons) Physics and Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics
- BSc (Hons) Physics with Nuclear Technology
- BSc (Hons) Physics with Secondary Education (QTS)
- BSc (Hons) Product Design
- BSc (Hons) Property Development and Planning
- BSc (Hons) Property Finance and Investment
- BSc (Hons) Psychology
- BSc (Hons) Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology)
- BSc (Hons) Psychology (Forensic Psychology
- BSc (Hons) Psychology (Mental Health)
- BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling
- BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology
- BSc (Hons) Psychology with Sociology
- BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
- BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management (part-time)
- BSc (Hons) Real Estate
- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering
- BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
- Level 6 Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Applied Biomedical Science)
- Level 6 Paramedic Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Paramedic Science)
- Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship
- LLB (Hons) Business Law
- LLB (Hons) International Law
- LLB (Hons) Law
- LLB (Hons) Law (4 year)
- LLB (Hons) Law (Distance Learning)
- LLB (Hons) Law (Flexible Learning)
- LLB (Hons) Law Senior Status
- LLB (Hons) Law with Business
- LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology
- LLB (Hons) Law with Psychology
- Master of Biology Biochemistry
- Master of Biology Microbiology
- Master of Biology Pharmacology
- Master of Mathematics Mathematics
- MChem Chemistry
- MComp (Hons) Computer Science
- MEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering Design and Construction
- MEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Sport Engineering
- Msci Forensic Science
- Msci Physics
Dự bị Thạc sỹ
Sau đại học
- Cert Ed / PGCE / ProfGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training
- Cert Ed / PGCE / ProfGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training (Part Time)
- Cert Ed / PGCE / ProfGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training (with English and Literacy)
- Cert Ed / PGCE / ProfGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training (with Mathematics and Numeracy)
- Cert Ed / PGCE / ProfGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training (with Special and Inclusive Practice)
- Certificate in Human Resources Practice
- Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist Degree Apprenticeship (MSc Data Analytics)
- LLM Corporate and Insolvency Law
- LLM Corporate and Insolvency Law (Distance learning)
- LLM General Law
- LLM Health Law and Ethics
- LLM Human Rights and Justice
- LLM Intellectual Property Law
- LLM International Financial Law
- LL International Legal Studies (Distance learning)
- LLM International Trade and Commercial Law
- LLM International Trade and Commercial Law (Distance learning)
- LLM Oil, Gas and Mining Law
- LLM Oil, Gas and Mining Law (Distance learning)
- MA / PGCert / PGDip Education, full-time
- MA / PGCert / PGDip Education, Part-time
- MA / PGCert / PGDip Educational Leadership and Management (Part-Time)
- MA / PGCert Career Development / Postgraduate Certificate in Career Development
- MA / PGDip Broadcast Journalism
- MA / PGDip Documentary Journalism
- MA / PGDip Magazine Journalism
- MA / PGDip Museum and Heritage Development
- MA / PGDip News Journalism
- MA Advanced Social Work Practice
- MA Animation
- MA Branding and Identity
- MA Careers Leaders Training programme
- MA Commercial Photography
- MA Creative Writing
- MA Criminology
- MA Culture, Style and Fashion
- MA English Language Teaching
- MA Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting
- MA Fashion and Textile Design
- MA Fashion Communications
- MA Fashion Design
- MA Fashion Knitwear Design
- MA Fashion Marketing
- MA Graphic Design
- MA History
- MA Illustration
- MA International Development
- MA International Fashion Management
- MA International Relations
- MA International Relations and Security
- MA Luxury Fashion Brand Management
- MA Media and Globalisation
- MA Online MA International Relations
- MA Photography
- MA Politics
- MA Public Health
- MA Textile Design Innovation
- MArch / PGDip Level 7 Architect Degree Apprenticeship
- MArch Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)
- MBA Digital Marketing
- MBA Fast Track – Online Master of Business Administration
- MBA Finance
- MBA Global Supply Chain Management
- MBA Master of Business Administration
- MFA Fine Art
- MSc / PGDip Psychology
- MSc Applied Child Psychology
- MSc Biomedical Science
- MSc Biomedical Science by Flexible Learning
- MSc Biotechnology
- MSc Building Surveying
- MSc Chemistry/Chemistry (Professional Practice)
- MSc Cloud and Enterprise Computing
- MSc Computer Science
- MSc Computing Systems
- MSc Cyberpsychology
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Digital Marketing
- MSc Economics
- MSc Engineering (Cybernetics and Communications)
- MSc Engineering (Electronics)
- MSc Engineering Management
- MSc Forensic Mental Health
- MSc Forensic Psychology
- MSc Forensic Science
- MSc Human Resource Management (part-time)
- MSc Human Resource Management / Human Resource Management (2yr)
- MSc International Business
- MSc International Business (Dual Award)
- MSc International Law Enforcement
- MSc IT Security
- MSc Management and Business Analytics
- MSc Management and Finance
- MSc Management and Global Supply Chain Management
- MSc Management and Marketing
- MSc Marketing and Data Analytics
- MSc Molecular Cell Biology
- MSc Molecular Microbiology
- MSc Neuropharmacology
- MSc Online Construction Project Management
- MSc Paramedic Science
- MSc Pharmacology
- MSc Physics
- MSc Policing Leadership
- MSc Politics and Public Policy
- MSc Project Management
- MSc Property Development and Planning
- MSc Psychological Well Being and Mental Health
- MSc Psychology in Clinical Practice
- MSc Public Policy
- MSc Real Estate
- MSc Structural Engineering with Management
- MSc Structural Engineering with Materials
- Non-NTU Award Assessment Only Route to QTS (Primary)
- Non-NTU Award Assessment Only Route to QTS (Secondary)
- Non-NTU Award CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing
- Non-NTU Award Early Years Initial Teacher Training (Assessment Only)
- Online Master of Business Administration
- Online MBA with Data Analytics
- PGCE Early Years Initial Teacher Training
- PGCE Level 6 Teaching Apprenticeship
- PGCE Primary Education
- PGCE Primary: School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)
- PGCE School Direct Training Programme (Primary salaried)
- PGCE School Direct Training Programme (Primary)
- PGCE School Direct Training Programme (Secondary salaried)
- PGCE School Direct Training Programme (Secondary)
- PGCE Secondary Biology
- PGCE Secondary Business Education
- PGCE Secondary Chemistry
- PGCE Secondary Computer Science with ICT
- PGCE Secondary Education (Design and Technology)
- PGCE Secondary Education (Physics)
- PGCE Secondary English
- PGDip Human Resource Management
- Professional Certificate in Architecture
Nghiên cứu
- Doctor of Business Administration
- Doctor of Education
- Doctor of Legal Practice
- Doctor of Professional Doctorate in Engineering; Real Estate; Design; Architecture; or Surveying
- Doctor of Psychology Forensic Psychology
- MA Holocaust and Genocide (by Research)
- MA Linguistics (by Research)
- MA Philosophy (by Research)
- MPhil / MRes / PhD Research degrees in Education
- MPhil / MRes / PhD Research degrees in Law
- MPhil / PhD Research Degrees in Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences
- MPhil / PhD Research degrees in Architecture, Design and the Built Environment
- MPhil / PhD Research degrees in Business, Management and Economics
- MRes / MSc Animal Health and Welfare
- MRes / MSc Biodiversity Conservation
- MRes / MSc Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation
- MRes / MSc Equine Performance, Health and Welfare
- MRes Advanced Materials Chemistry
- MRes Analytical Chemistry
- MRes Biotechnology
- MRes Cancer Biology
- MRes Cell Biology
- MRes Chemistry
- MRes English Literary Research
- MRes Exercise Physiology
- MRes Mathematical Sciences
- MRes Medical Imaging
- MRes Molecular Biology
- MRes Molecular Microbiology
- MRes Neuropharmacology
- MRes Performance Analysis
- MRes Pharmaceutical Analysis
- MRes Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science
- MRes Pharmacology
- MRes Physics
- MSc / MRes Psychological Research Methods
Nhập học vào tháng 1:
Sau đại học
- MA / PGDip Broadcast Journalism
- MA / PGDip Museum and Heritage Development
- MA Graphic Design
- MA International Development
- MA International Fashion Management
- MA Media and Globalisation
- MSc Biomedical Science
- MSc Biotechnology
- MSc Chemistry/Chemistry (Professional Practice)
- MSc Economics
- MSc Engineering (Cybernetics and Communications)
- MSc Engineering (Electronics)
- MSc Engineering Management
- MSc IT Security
- MSc Molecular Cell Biology
- MSc Molecular Microbiology
- MSc Pharmacology
- MSc Structural Engineering with Management
- MSc Structural Engineering with Materials
- Nghiên cứu
- MRes Advanced Materials Chemistry
- MRes Analytical Chemistry
- MRes Biotechnology
- MRes Cancer Biology
- MRes Cell Biology
- MRes Chemistry
- MRes Medical Imaging
- MRes Molecular Biology
- MRes Molecular Microbiology
- MRes Neuropharmacology
- MRes Pharmaceutical Analysis
- MRes Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science
- MRes Pharmacology
Bản đồ: