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University of Melbourne: Meet and discuss directly with school representative

Thứ Ba - 04/06/2019

The University of Melbourne is always the first choice of students who want to study in Australia, by the following: number 1 in teaching quality in Australia, 32th in the world (THE Rankings 2019), the 6th in the world for graduates employability (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019), multidisciplinary, a range of scholarship programs, high opportunities of employment.

We would like to invite all parents and students who are interested in the University of Melbourne meeting directly with Ms. Claire Bingley – the University of Melbourne’s representative – at our events:

Global Education Fair- June 2019:

  • Hanoi: June 29, 2019, from 2 pm- 6 pm; Hilton Hotel, No. 1 Le Thanh Tong St;
  • Ho Chi Minh City: June 30, 2019, from 9 am- 1 pm; Grand Hotel Saigon, No. 08 Dong Khoi St., Dist 1.

Meeting with school representative:

  • Hanoi: July 4, 2019, from 5 pm- 8 pm; Duc Anh Building. No 54-56 Tue Tinh;
  • Ho Chi Minh City: July 8, 2019, from 5 pm -8 pm; Duc Anh Building, No 172 Bui Thi Xuan St., Dist 1.

Students and parents are welcome to join freely or please register in advance:


For more details, please contact HOTLINE: 09887 09698 and email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn


  • Direct entry to Bachelor program- applied for students of 11 gifted schools in this list.
  • Transfer to Bachelor program- applied for students who have been in Year 1- 2- 3 in all countries.
  • Direct entry to Master program: applied for student graduate from University level 1- according to Australia ranking, the list here;
  • Students who want to apply for admission/ scholarship, please bring a copy of High school report, academic transcript, English certificate to the event.

Ms. Claire Bingley- UniMelb’s representative, along with Duc Anh’s experienced counselors, will talk about the following:

  • Fields and levels of study, entry requirements;
  • Suitable study plan for students;
  • Information about scholarships- up to 100% of tuition;
  • Guidance for scholarships applications;
  • Sharing experiences about life- employment opportunities in Australia.

UniMel a1

1. The University of Melbourne: the top of preparation and education for students’ success:


  • Ranking NUMBER 1 in Australia, ranking 32th in the world (THE Rankings 2019);
  • Ranking 6th worldwide for graduate employability after graduation for 6 months (QS Graduate Employability 2019);
  • A member of Go8 leading research universities in Australia (Group of 8);
  •  High reputation for: Engineering, Information Technology, Medicine, Accounting, Finance, Commerce, Law, Management,…
  • Entry requirements:
    • Bachelor: completing program of Foundation Studies at Trinity College, or studying in recognized gifted schools and meeting all direct entry requirements;
    • Master/Ph.D: GPA over 7.0/10;
    • IELTS 6.5 (minimum), or PTE equivalent;
  • TOP in the rate of students’ satisfaction with the University of Melbourne;
  • Location: center of  Melbourne, the most friendly city for students;
  • Over 55,000 students from more than 150 countries around the world;
  • Students are allowed to do a part-time job with 40hours/2weeks during the semester and a full-time job on holidays;
  • Job opportunities from 2-4 years in Australia after graduation and immigration when meeting criteria.
2. Trinity College- the most ideal pathway to the University of Melbourne:


  • More than 80% of Trinity’s students are accepted to the University of Melbourne, the rest are accepted to other Top University in Australia or other countries;
  • Trinity students always achieve high academic performance and lots of valuable scholarships for Bachelor program;
  • Trinity College is the only one to provide Pathway program to the University of Melbourne;
  • Students study at the campus of the University of Melbourne, located in the heart of Melbourne- the friendliest city for students.
  • Small class size, only 15 students/ class, so students get benefits from it a lot during the time studying at school.

UniMel a2

3. The University of Melbourne- Scholarship programs:
  • 50% and 100% scholarship for full course of Bachelor program- highly competitive;
  • 25%- 100% scholarship for Master Coursework program;
  • Scholarship of 100% fee remission, OSHC insurance, living allowance for Master research and Ph.D.

For more details about the scholarships, please click here

4. The University of Melbourne- Courses:

a, Levels of study:

  • Foundation (7 months- 9 months- 1.5 years) study at Trinity College- located in the campus of the University of Melbourne and is the only one to provide the pathway program to UniMelb: applied for student finishing Year 11 or 12, having high academic performance;
  • Bachelor (3- 4 years): applied for students finishing Year 12 from Gifted high schools with excellent academic performance and graduate with high distinction, university students from Vietnam universities transferring to study Bachelor program at UniMelb or students finishing the Foundation program at Trinity College.
  • Master (1- 2 years): students who graduated from University;
  • D. (3- 5 years): students who graduated Master (3 years), or University (5 years)

b, Fields of study:

The University of Melbourne provides more than 400 majors: Business and Economics, Social, Architecture, Construction and Planning, Engineering, Education, Law, Science, Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science, Agricultural and Veterinary Science.

5. The University of Melbourne- High achievement of students from Duc Anh A&T:

Students from Duc Anh A&T receive merit scholarships from the University of Melbourne, including:

  • Vuong Ngan Giang- 100% tuition fees scholarship from The University of Melbourne;
  • Pham Tran Thai Son- 50% tuition fees scholarship from The University of Melbourne. Read the story about Thai Son here;
  • Tran Dan Thanh: 50% tuition fees scholarship from The University of Melbourne. Read Dan Thanh sharing her story here;
  • Nguyen Quynh Anh: 50% scholarship from School of Arts and 50% % tuition fees scholarship from The University of Melbourne. Read Quynh Anh’s story here.

For further information about application, visa and relevant issues, please contact:

Duc Anh A&T Co., Ltd

  • Ha Noi: 54-56 Tue Tinh, Tel: 024 3971 6229
  • Ho Chi Minh city: 172 Bui Thi Xuan, District 1, Tel: 028 3925 3588
  • Hotline: 09887 09698
  • Email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn
  • Website: ducanhduhoc.vn/

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Thân mời các phụ huynh và học sinh, sinh viên quan tâm đến du học Anh tham dự buổi tư vấn trực tiếp với đại diện trường Exeter và đại học Glassgow Caledonian về ngành học, điều kiện đầu vào, học bổng, xin học, visa du học, các chính sách liên quan đến sinh viên quốc tế và giải đáp các câu hỏi của phụ huynh, học sinh.

Hội thảo: Exeter- Top 7 về đào tạo đại học- sau đại học tại Anh

Tại ĐH Exeter hơn 90% sinh viên tốt nghiệp tìm được việc làm trong vòng 6 tháng, sinh viên trường luôn là điểm thu hút các nhà tuyển dụng cấp cao. Trường cũng luôn tổ chức đào tạo, hướng dẫn sinh viên cách xin việc, cách tiếp cận với các nhà tuyển dụng.


Chúc mừng các bạn thí sinh có tên trong danh sách đã lọt vào vòng 2 cuộc thi : Thắp sáng ước mơ du học 2013 – Đơn vị tổ chức: Công ty tư vấn giáo dục và dịch thuật quốc tế Đức Anh. Mọi chi tiết xin vui lòng truy cập: http://contest.ducanhduhoc.vn/

Chọn nước du học

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