University of Bristol
Thứ Sáu - 14/05/2021
Thông tin chính:
- Xếp hạng: 13
- Địa điểm: Bristol, England
- Thành lập: 1876
- Sinh viên quốc tế: 28%
- Khối ngành nổi tiếng: Kỹ thuật, Khoa học y, Nghệ thuật
- Học phí quốc tế: £20,100-38,000
- Website:
- Bản đồ
Tổng quan:
Được thành lập vào năm 1876, Đại học Bristol kết hợp truyền thống đáng tự hào về thành tích giáo dục xuất sắc với tinh thần độc lập và tư duy cầu tiến.
Bristol có danh tiếng quốc tế về giáo dục và nghiên cứu chất lượng cao, thành tích của đội ngũ nhân viên và sinh viên của trường đã tạo được tiếng vang trên toàn thế giới. Hơn 25.000 sinh viên hiện đang theo học tại trường đến từ hơn 150 quốc gia.
Trường được xếp hạng thứ 58 trên thế giới (QS World University Rankings 2021) và có tỷ lệ sinh viên có việc làm sau tốt nghiệp cao, đứng thứ 9 tại Vương quốc Anh về khả năng tuyển dụng sau đại học (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020). Tỷ lệ hoàn thành 95% nằm trong những tỷ lệ cao nhất trên cả nước và 90% sinh viên đại học được cấp bằng 1 hoặc 2:1 (Times Good University Guide 2021).
Nằm ngay trung tâm của Bristol, trường là một trong 24 thành viên của nhóm nghiên cứu chuyên sâu Russell Group. Đây là một trong những trường đại học ‘Red brick’ đầu tiên – nhóm sáu các trường được thành lập tại các thành phố công nghiệp lớn của Anh.
Đại học Bristol cũng sở hữu một trường Luật tiếng tăm được xếp hạng 48 trên thế giới (theo bảng xếp hạng Đại học Thế giới của Times Higher Education về Luật năm 2020), đứng thứ 8 ở Anh và xứ Wales (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020) và nằm trong top 10 những trường đại học Luật của Vương quốc Anh về triển vọng tốt nghiệp (Nghiên cứu IFS 2018).
Tìm hiểu thêm về Đại học Bristol bằng cách tải xuống thông tin hướng dẫn chuyên sâu dành cho sinh viên quốc tế cho năm 2021/22 tại đây:
Xếp hạng
- Đứng thứ 13 trong Times University Guide 2021
- Thứ 11 trong Hướng dẫn Đại học Guardian 2021
- Xếp hạng 58 trong Bảng xếp hạng Đại học Thế giới QS năm 2021
- Xếp hạng 91 trong Bảng xếp hạng Đại học Thế giới của Times Higher Education năm 2021
- Thứ 64 trong The Academic Ranking of World Universities 2020
Đại học Bristol được chính phủ, các cơ quan nghiên cứu, các cơ quan tài trợ và ngành công nghiệp thừa nhận là một trung tâm lớn về doanh nghiệp, đổi mới và nghiên cứu. Bristol là một tổ chức nằm trong nhóm năm trường hàng đầu của Vương quốc Anh về cường độ nghiên cứu (đứng thứ năm trong phân tích THE của REF năm 2014), với 83% về nghiên cứu trong Research Excellence Framework 2014 được đánh giá là “hàng đầu thế giới” hoặc “xuất sắc mang tầm quốc tế’’.
Các ngành học
Dự bị đại học
Đại học
- Cert Foundation in Arts and Social Sciences (CertHE)
- International Foundation Programme (Arts and Humanities)
- International Foundation Programme (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
- International Foundation Programme (Social Sciences and Law)
- International Foundation Programme for Medicine and Dentistry
- BA Ancient History
- BA Anthropology
- BA Archaeology and Anthropology
- BA Classical Studies
- BA Classics
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Czech
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and French
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and German
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Italian
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Portuguese
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Russian
- BA Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Spanish
- BA English
- BA English and Classical Studies
- BA English and French
- BA English and German
- BA English and History
- BA English and Italian
- BA English and Philosophy
- BA English and Portuguese
- BA English and Russian
- BA English and Spanish
- BA English Literature and Community Engagement
- BA Film and English
- BA Film and French
- BA Film and German
- BA Film and Italian
- BA Film and Portuguese
- BA Film and Spanish
- BA Film and Television
- BA French
- BA French and German
- BA French and Italian
- BA French and Portuguese
- BA French and Russian
- BA French and Spanish
- BA German
- BA German and Italian
- BA German and Portuguese
- BA German and Russian
- BA German and Spanish
- BA Hispanic Studies
- BA History
- BA History and French
- BA History and German
- BA History and Italian
- BA History and Portuguese
- BA History and Russian
- BA History and Spanish
- BA History of Art
- BA History of Art and French
- BA History of Art and German
- BA History of Art and Italian
- BA History of Art and Portuguese
- BA History of Art and Russian
- BA History of Art and Spanish
- BA International Business Management and French
- BA International Business Management and German
- BA International Business Management and Spanish
- BA Italian
- BA Italian and Portuguese
- BA Italian and Russian
- BA Italian and Spanish
- BA Liberal Arts
- BA Modern Languages
- BA Music
- BA Music and French
- BA Music and German
- BA Music and Italian
- BA Music and Portuguese
- BA Music and Russian
- BA Music and Spanish
- BA Philosophy
- BA Philosophy and French
- BA Philosophy and German
- BA Philosophy and Italian
- BA Philosophy and Portuguese
- BA Philosophy and Russian
- BA Philosophy and Spanish
- BA Philosophy and Theology
- BA Politics and French
- BA Politics and German
- BA Politics and Italian
- BA Politics and Portuguese
- BA Politics and Russian
- BA Politics and Spanish
- BA Religion and Theology
- BA Russian
- BA Russian and Portuguese
- BA Spanish
- BA Spanish and Portuguese
- BA Spanish and Russian
- BA Theatre and English
- BA Theatre and Film
- BA Theatre and French
- BA Theatre and German
- BA Theatre and Italian
- BA Theatre and Performance Studies
- BA Theatre and Portuguese
- BA Theatre and Spanish
- BA Theology and Sociology
- BDS Dentistry
- BDS Gateway to Dentistry
- BEng Aerospace Engineering
- BEng Civil Engineering
- BEng Computer Science and Electronics
- BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- BEng Engineering Mathematics
- BEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- BEng Mechanical Engineering
- BSc Accounting and Finance
- BSc Politics and Sociology
- BSc Politics with Quantitative Research Methods
- BSc Politics with Quantitative Research Methods with Study Abroad
- BSc Psychology
- BSc Psychology in Education
- BSc Psychology in Education with Study Abroad
- BSc Social Policy
- BSc Social Policy and Politics
- BSc Social Policy and Sociology
- BSc Social Policy with Criminology
- BSc Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods
- BSc Social Policy with Study Abroad
- BSc Sociology
- BSc Sociology and Philosophy
- BSc Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods
- BSc Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods with Study Abroad
- BSc Sociology with Study Abroad
- BSc Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour
- BSc Virology and Immunology
- BSc Virology and Immunology with Study in Industry
- BSc Zoology
- BVSc Gateway to Veterinary Science
- BVSc Veterinary Science
- BVSc Veterinary Science: Accelerated Graduate Entry
- LLB Law
- LLB Law and French
- LLB Law and German
- LLB Law and Spanish
- LLB Law with Study Abroad
- LLB Law with Study in Continental Europe
- MArts Anthropology with Innovation
- MArts Film and Television with Innovation
- MArts History with Innovation
- MArts Music with Innovation
- MArts Religion and Theology with Study Abroad
- MArts Theatre with Innovation
- MB ChB Gateway to Medicine
- MB ChB Medicine
- MEng Aerospace Engineering
- MEng Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry
- MEng Aerospace Engineering with Study Abroad
- MEng Aerospace Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MEng Civil Engineering
- MEng Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry
- MEng Civil Engineering with Study Abroad
- MEng Civil Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MEng Computer Science
- MEng Computer Science and Electronics
- MEng Computer Science and Electronics with Study Abroad
- MEng Computer Science with Innovation
- MEng Computer Science with Study Abroad
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Innovation
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MEng Engineering Design with Study in Industry
- MEng Engineering Mathematics
- MEng Engineering Mathematics with a Year in Industry
- MEng Engineering Mathematics with Study Abroad
- MEng Mathematics and Computer Science
- MEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- MEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry
- MEng Mechanical Engineering
- MEng Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry
- MEng Mechanical Engineering with Study Abroad
- MEng Mechanical Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MLibArts Liberal Arts with Study Abroad
- MSci Biochemistry
- MSci Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry
- MSci Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- MSci Biology
- MSci Cancer Biology and Immunology
- MSci Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- MSci Chemical Physics
- MSci Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience
- MSci Chemistry
- MSci Chemistry with Industrial Experience
- MSci Chemistry with Scientific Computing
- MSci Chemistry with Study Abroad
- MSci Chemistry with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MSci Childhood Studies with Innovation
- MSci Childhood Studies with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Criminology with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Economics with Innovation
- MSci Environmental Geoscience
- MSci Environmental Geoscience with Study Abroad
- MSci Geography with Innovation
- MSci Geography with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Geology
- MSci Geology with Study Abroad
- MSci Geophysics
- MSci Geophysics with Study Abroad
- MSci Management with Innovation
- MSci Mathematics
- MSci Mathematics and Philosophy
- MSci Mathematics and Physics
- MSci Mathematics with Statistics
- MSci Mathematics with Study Abroad
- MSci Mathematics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MSci Medical Microbiology
- MSci Neuroscience
- MSci Neuroscience with Study in Industry
- MSci Palaeontology and Evolution
- MSci Pharmacology
- MSci Pharmacology with Study in Industry
- MSci Physics
- MSci Physics and Philosophy
- MSci Physics with Astrophysics
- MSci Physics with Industrial Experience
- MSci Physics with Innovation
- MSci Physics with International Experience
- MSci Physics with Scientific Computing
- MSci Physics with Scientific Computing with Industrial Experience
- MSci Physics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language
- MSci Physiological Science
- MSci Physiological Science with Study in Industry
- MSci Plant Sciences
- MSci Politics with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Psychology and Neuroscience
- MSci Psychology with Innovation
- MSci Social Policy with Innovation
- MSci Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods
- MSci Theoretical Physics
- MSci Virology and Immunology
- MSci Zoology
Sau đại học
- Graduate Diploma Economics
- LLM Law – Banking and Finance Law
- LLM Law – Commercial Law
- LLM Law – Company Law and Corporate Governance
- LLM Law – Employment, Work and Equality
- LLM Law – European Legal Studies
- LLM Law – General Legal Studies
- LLM Law – Health, Law and Society
- LLM Law – Human Rights Law
- LLM Law – International Commercial Law
- LLM Law – International Law
- LLM Law – International Law and International Relations
- LLM Law – Labour Law and Corporate Governance
- LLM Law – Law and Globalisation
- LLM Law – Public Law
- MA Anthropology
- MA Black Humanities
- MA Chinese-English Audiovisual Translation
- MA Chinese-English Translation
- MA Comparative Literatures and Cultures
- MA Composition of Music for Film and Television
- MA Creative Writing
- MA English Literature
- MA Film and Television
- MA History
- MA History of Art
- MA Law
- MA Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
- MA Medieval Studies
- MA Music
- MA Philosophy
- MA Philosophy and History of Science
- MA Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences
- MA Philosophy of Physics
- MA Religion
- MA Translation
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Accounting, Finance and Management
- MSc Advanced Composites
- MSc Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering
- MSc Aerial Robotics
- MSc Applied Neuropsychology
- MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability
- MSc Bioinformatics
- MSc Biomedical Engineering
- MSc Biomedical Sciences Research
- MSc Biorobotics
- MSc Business Analytics
- MSc Climate Change Science and Policy
- MSc Clinical Neuropsychology
- MSc Communication Networks and Signal Processing
- MSc Computer Science (conversion)
- MSc Contemporary Identities
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Dental Implantology
- MSc Development and Security
- MSc Digital Health
- MSc Disability Studies: Inclusive Theory and Research
- MSc Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience
- MSc East Asian Development and the Global Economy
- MSc Economics
- MSc Economics and Finance
- MSc Economics, Finance and Management
- MSc Education (Inclusive Education)
- MSc Education (Leadership and Policy)
- MSc Education (Learning, Technology and Society)
- MSc Education (Mathematics Education)
- MSc Education (Neuroscience and Education)
- MSc Education (Open Pathway)
- MSc Education (Policy and International Development)
- MSc Education (Teaching and Learning)
- MSc Educational Research
- MSc Engineering Mathematics
- MSc Engineering with Management
- MSc Environmental Policy and Management
- MSc Epidemiology
- MSc Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
- MSc European and Global Governance
- MSc Experimental Psychology (Conversion)
- MSc Finance and Investment
- MSc Financial Technology with Data Science
- MSc Gender and International Relations
- MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
- MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation
- MSc Healthcare Management
- MSc Human Geography: Society and Space
- MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work
- MSc Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing
- MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- MSc International Development
- MSc International Relations
- MSc International Security
- MSc Management
- MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability)
- MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)
- MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- MSc Management (International Business)
- MSc Management (International HRM)
- MSc Management (Marketing)
- MSc Management (Project Management)
- MSc Marketing
- MSc Mathematical Sciences
- MSc Mathematics of Cybersecurity
- MSc Migration and Mobility Studies
- MSc Molecular Neuroscience
- MSc Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials
- MSc Nuclear Science and Engineering
- MSc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health
- MSc Optical Communications and Signal Processing
- MSc Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies
- MSc Oral Medicine
- MSc Orthopaedic Surgery
- MSc Palaeobiology
- MSc Perfusion Science
- MSc Periodontology
- MSc Policy Research
- MSc Psychology of Education BPS
- MSc Public Health
- MSc Public Policy
- MSc Reproduction and Development
- MSc Robotics
- MSc Social and Cultural Theory
- MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management)
- MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics)
- MSc Social Science Research Methods (Sociology)
- MSc Social Work
- MSc Social Work Research
- MSc Socio-Legal Studies
- MSc Sociology
- MSc Stem Cells and Regeneration
- MSc Strategy, Change and Leadership
- MSc Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- MSc Translational Cardiovascular Medicine
- MSc Volcanology
- MSc Water and Environmental Management
- MSc Wireless Communications and Signal Processing
- PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Conscious Sedation and Anxiety Management
- PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Neuropsychology Practice
- PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Oral Surgery
- PG Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) Healthcare Improvement
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Applied Neuropsychology (Bristol-based)
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Applied Neuropsychology (distance learning)
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Clinical Neuropsychology
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Philosophy
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Postgraduate Dental Studies
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Theoretical and Practical Clinical Neuropsychology
- PG Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma) Veterinary Clinical Practice
- PGCE Education (Secondary)
Nghiên cứu
- DEdPsy Educational Psychology
- EdD Education: Learning, Leadership and Policy
- EngD Composites Manufacture
- EngD, PhD, EngD Future Innovation in Non-Destructive Evaluation
- MPhil Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- MRes Advanced Quantitative Methods
- MRes Economics
- MRes Global Political Economy
- MRes Health and Wellbeing
- MRes Health Sciences Research
- MRes Security, Conflict and Human Rights
- MRes Sustainable Futures
- MSc by research Global Environmental Challenges
- Phd Accounting and Finance
- Phd Advanced Composites
- Phd Advanced Quantitative Methods
- Phd Aerosol Science
- PhD Computational Statistics and Data Science: Compass
- Phd Cyber Security (TIPS at Scale)
- Phd Digital Health and Care
- Phd Disability Studies
- Phd Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology (Wellcome Trust)
- Phd Economics
- Phd Education
- Phd Engineering Mathematics
- Phd Exercise, Nutrition and Health
- Phd Geographical Sciences (Human Geography)
- Phd Geographical Sciences (Physical Geography)
- Phd Global Political Economy
- Phd Great Western Four+ Doctoral Training Partnership (NERC)
- Phd Health and Wellbeing
- Phd Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Phd Integrative Cardiovascular Science (BHF)
- Phd Interactive Artificial Intelligence
- Phd Law
- Phd Management
- Phd Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology (Wellcome Trust)
- Phd Quantum Engineering
- Phd Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Phd Security, Conflict and Human Rights
- Phd Social Policy
- Phd Social Work
- Phd Sociology, Politics and International Studies
- Phd South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (BBSRC)
- Phd Sustainable Futures
- Phd Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis
- PhD, MD, DSc, MSc by research Translational Health Sciences
- PhD, MD, MSc by research Biochemistry
- PhD, MD, MSc by research Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- PhD, MD, MSc by research Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience
- PhD, MD, MSc by research Population Health Sciences
- PhD, MPhil Anthropology and Archaeology
- PhD, MPhil Classics and Ancient History
- PhD, MPhil Creative Writing
- PhD, MPhil English Literature
- PhD, MPhil Film and Television
- PhD, MPhil French
- PhD, MPhil German
- PhD, MPhil Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
- PhD, MPhil History
- PhD, MPhil History of Art
- PhD, MPhil Italian
- PhD, MPhil Medieval Studies
- PhD, MPhil Philosophy
- PhD, MPhil Russian
- PhD, MPhil Theatre and Performance
- PhD, MPhil Translation
- PhD, MPhil, MLitt Religion and Theology
- PhD, MPhil, MMus Music
- PhD, MRes, MSc South West Doctoral Training Partnership (ESRC)
- PhD, MSc by research Aerospace Engineering
- PhD, MSc by research Biological Sciences
- PhD, MSc by research Chemistry
- PhD, MSc by research Civil Engineering
- PhD, MSc by research Computer Science
- PhD, MSc by research Earth Sciences
- PhD, MSc by research Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- PhD, MSc by research Mathematics
- PhD, MSc by research Mechanical Engineering
- PhD, MSc by research Oral and Dental Sciences
- PhD, MSc by research Physics
- PhD, MSc by research Psychology
- PhD, MSc by research Veterinary Sciences
Học bổng
Tên học bổng | Trị giá | |
Michael Wong Pakshong Bursary | £3,000 | Chi tiết |
Think Big Postgraduate Scholarships | Lên đến £20,000 | Chi tiết |
Global Justice Postgraduate Scholarship | £5,000 | Chi tiết |
Global Accounting and Finance Postgraduate Scholarship | £5,000 | Chi tiết |
Global Economics Postgraduate Scholarship | £5,000 | Chi tiết |
Future Leaders Postgraduate Scholarship | £5,000 | Chi tiết |
Phyllis Mary Morris Bursaries | Sáu tập tài liệu trị giá 2.000 bảng Anh mỗi tập | Chi tiết |