Đại học Công nghệ Sydney & UTS College, Úc
Thứ Năm - 30/11/2023
1. Website: www.uts.edu.au/ & utscollege.edu.au/
2. Địa điểm: Sydney, Úc- Trường nằm ngay trung tâm thành phố, cách sân bay Sydney 30 phút đi ô tô
3. Loại trường: Đại học công lập
4. Thứ hạng: #90 thế giới & #9 tại Úc (theo QS World Uni Rankings 2024)
5. Tổng sinh viên: >45.900
6. Sinh viên quốc tế: >15.100
7. Điểm mạnh:
a. UTS- Đại học Công nghệ Sydney:
#9 tại Úc và TOP 88 các trường ĐH hàng đầu thế giới (QS Rankings 2025);
#1 tại Úc và #11 trên thế giới trong bảng xếp hạng các trường Đại học trẻ xuất sắc nhất (QS 50 Under 50 2021);
#7 tại Úc và #69 toàn cầu về tỉ lệ sinh viên tốt nghiệp có việc làm (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020 );
Đạt 5 sao ở cả 7 hạng mục đánh giá (QS Stars Rating 2018- 2021);
#62 toàn cầu về tỷ lệ việc làm của sinh viên tốt nghiệp (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022);
Đào tạo đa ngành với nhiều ngành học thuộc Top 50- 150 thế giới (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023):
Điều dưỡng #20
Nghệ thuật và Thiết kế #35
Luật #61
Kế toán & Tài chính #87
Khoa học Máy tính #73
Điện- Điện tử #94
Top 51-100 về: Kiến trúc, Truyền thông, Xây dựng dân dụng & kết cấu
Top 101-150 về: Kinh doanh & Quản trị, Kinh tế, Giáo dục, Môi trường,…
100% nghiên cứu của UTS thuộc Fields of Research (FOR) đều đạt chuẩn thế giới hoặc cao hơn (theo đánh giá 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA));
Học phí cạnh tranh so với các trường đại học TOP rank khác tại Úc;
Đào tạo thực tiễn, hợp tác chặt chẽ với các công ty- tập đoàn- tạo điều kiện tốt nhất cho sinh viên thực tập và tìm việc làm;
Vị trí “trái tim” của TP Sydney năng động: từ UTS chỉ mất 5 phút đi bộ đến Ga tàu trung tâm TP, 5 phút đến China Town để làm thêm và 15 phút đến Opera house, Darling harbour để du ngoạn…;
Làm thêm 40h/2 tuần trong khi học & làm toàn thời gian vào kỳ nghỉ;
Ở lại làm việc 2-3 năm sau khi học xong & định cư khi đủ điều kiện;
Nhiều chương trình chuyển tiếp thuận lợi từ UTS College.
UTS College trực thuộc UTS, chuyên đào tạo tiếng Anh, dự bị đại học, cao đẳng (tương đương năm 1 đại học) liên thông lên đại học UTS. Vì vậy, với hầu hết sinh viên UTS, UTS College là điểm đến đầu tiên.
UTS College:
Học ngay trong khuôn viên UTS;
Nội dung giảng dạy tại UTS College được thiết kế bởi UTS, giúp sinh viên dần hòa nhập tốt với phương pháp học đại học và học các môn trang bị cho chuyên ngành ở bậc đại học;
Đảm bảo sự quan tâm và phát triển cá nhân cao nhất;
Yêu cầu đầu vào linh hoạt hơn so với vào thẳng năm thứ nhất UTS và có 3 kì nhập học/ năm;
Sinh viên nhận được nhiều hỗ trợ: tư vấn khóa học, ngành học, việc làm, nhà ở, cập nhật chính sách việc làm, các hoạt động xã hội…;
Thực tập ngay từ năm đầu chương trình cử nhân với một loạt ngành, sau khóa học tại UTS College, trang bị cho các em những kỹ năng và kiến thức thực tế để thành công trong một môi trường làm việc tại Úc;
Nhiều quỹ học bổng cho sinh viên quốc tế giúp các bạn nhận được những cơ hội phát triển tốt nhất.
8. Chương trình đào tạo:
a. Bậc học:
Tiếng Anh;
Dự bị đại học;
Cao đẳng;
Cử nhân;
Thạc sỹ;
Tiến sỹ.
b. Các Khoa:
Trường có 9 khoa và trường trực thuộc:
c. Các ngành học:
Tất cả các khóa học: www.uts.edu.au/future-students
Analytics & Data Science
Master of Data Science & Innovation Info session (online)
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Learning Analytics (Research)
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Management
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Business /Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws
Master of Business Administration
MBA in Entrepreneurship
UTS Advanced MBA (AMBA)
Executive MBA (EMBA)
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Financial Analysis
Graduate Certificate in Behavioural Economics
Master of Business Analytics
Master of Marketing
Accounting PhD
Economics PhD Program
Finance PhD
Health Economics PhD
Management PhD
Marketing PhD
Expression of interest (PhD)
Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Communication (Honours)
Bachelor of Music and Sound Design
Master of Advanced Journalism
Master of Advanced Journalism (Extension)
Graduate Diploma in Advanced Journalism
Master of Arts in Creative Writing
Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing
Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing
Executive Master of Strategic Communication
Master of Media Practice and Industry
Graduate Certificate in Media Practice and Industry
Graduate Diploma of Sports Media
Master of Strategic Communication
Graduate Diploma of Strategic Communication
Postgraduate Research Degrees (Communication)
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
Design, Architecture & Building
Bachelor of Design in Animation
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Design in Photography
Bachelor of Design in Product Design
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Design in Animation/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Animation/Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles /Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Product Design/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Product Design/Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication/Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication/Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Animation
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion and Textiles
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Photography
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Product Design
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Visual Communication
Master of Design
Graduate Diploma in Design
Graduate Certificate in Design
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Design (Research)
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
Bachelor of Design in Architecture
Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Architecture
Master of Architecture
Master of Landscape Architecture
Graduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture
Graduate Certificate in Landscape Architecture
Master of Architecture (Research)
Bachelor of Construction Project Management
Bachelor of Property Economics
Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Property Economics (Honours)
Master of Planning
Master of Project Management
Master of Property Development
Master of Property Development and Investment
Master of Property Development and Planning
Master of Property Development and Project Management
Master of Real Estate Investment
Graduate Diploma in Planning
Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Graduate Diploma in Construction Management
Graduate Diploma in Property Development
Graduate Certificate in Construction Management
Graduate Certificate in Planning
Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Property Development
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Built Environment (Research)
Master of Applied Policy
Master of Local Government
Graduate Diploma in Applied Policy
Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management
Graduate Certificate in Applied Policy
Graduate Certificate in Development Assessment
Graduate Certificate in Local Government Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Primary or Secondary major)
Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Honours)
Master of Teaching in Secondary Education
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Master of Education (Learning and Leadership)
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Technology
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Technology
Diploma in Languages
Doctor of Education
Master of Education (Research)
Master of Arts (Research)
Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Master of Engineering
Master of Engineering (Advanced)
Master of Engineering (Extension)
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Environmental Engineering Management
Master of Information Technology
Master of Information Technology (Advanced)
Master of Information Technology (Extension)
Master of Professional Engineering
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Project Management
Master of Science
Master of Science in Internetworking
Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension)
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management (Extension)
Master of Technology
Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Master of Advanced Health Services Management
Master of Advanced Nursing
Master of Advanced Nursing
Master of Health Services Management
Master of Nurse Practitioner
Master of Palliative Care
Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care
Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Midwifery (Research)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studie
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Science
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health (Advanced)
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Bachelor of Health Science
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management
Master of Advanced Health Services Management
Master of Health Services Management
Master of Health Services Management
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Health Services (Research)
Master of Palliative Care
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care
Master of Advanced Health Services Management
Master of Health Services Management
Master of Palliative Care
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health (Advanced)
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours)
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Health Services (Research)
Master of Midwifery (Research)
Master of Nursing (Research)
Master of Sport and Exercise (Research)
Master of Pharmacy
Master of Pharmacy (International)
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Practice (General Practice Pharmacist)
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Research)
Master of Pharmacy (Research)
Master of Genetic Counselling
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Genetic Counselling (Research)
Master of Indigenous Health (Research)
Master of Speech Pathology
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Speech and Language Sciences (Research)
Master of Clinical Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Clinical Psychology (Research)
Master of Orthoptics
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Orthoptics (Research)
Master of Physiotherapy
Doctor of Philosophy Ultimo, Sydney
Master of Physiotherapy (Research)
Master of Good Manufacturing Practice
Graduate Diploma in Good Manufacturing Practice
Graduate Certificate in Good Manufacturing Practice
Information Technology
Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Design in Animation
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Bachelor of Information Systems
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Games Development
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Systems Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology
Master of Animation and Visualisation
Master of Engineering
Master of Information Systems
Master of Information Systems (Advanced)
Master of Information Systems (Extension)
Master of Information Technology
Master of Information Technology (Advanced)
Master of Information Technology (Extension)
Master of Interaction Design
Master of Interaction Design (Extension)
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Science in Internetworking
Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension)
Master of Technology
Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management
Graduate Diploma in Internetworking
Graduate Diploma in Information Systems
Graduate Diploma in Interaction Design
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Animation and Visualisation City campus
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Information Systems City campus
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Project Management Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Studies Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Internetworking Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice Ultimo, Sydney
Graduate Certificate in Technology Ultimo, Sydney
Doctor of Philosophy Ultimo, Sydney
Doctor of Philosophy Ultimo, Sydney
Master of Analytics (Research) Ultimo, Sydney
Master of Science (Research) in Computing Sciences
International Studies
Bachelor of Global Studies
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts (Research) in International Studies
Diploma in Languages
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Arts in International
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Technology
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Technology
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts (Research) in International Studies
Diploma in Languages
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Arts (Research)
Master of Arts (Research) in International Studies
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws
Juris Doctor
Juris Doctor Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice
Juris Doctor Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice
Master of Intellectual Property
Master of Laws
Master of Legal Studies
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Technology
Juris Doctor Master of Business Administration
Juris Doctor Master of Intellectual Property
Graduate Diploma in Australian Law
Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies
Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property
Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Australian Law
Graduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Distance
Graduate Certificate in Laws
Graduate Certificate in Legal Studies
Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Restructuring and Turnaround
Graduate Certificate in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Laws (Research)
Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice
Master of Laws
Graduate Certificate in Laws
Juris Doctor Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice
Master of Intellectual Property
Juris Doctor Master of Intellectual Property
Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property
Graduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Distance
Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice
Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice
Bachelor of Advanced Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Environmental Biology
Bachelor of Forensic Science
Bachelor of Marine Biology
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Analytics
Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics (Honours)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Analytics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nanotechnology
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics (Honours)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Analytics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nanotechnology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science
Master of Forensic Science
Master of Forensic Science (Extension)
Master of Medical Biotechnology
Master of Medical Biotechnology (Extension)
Master of Philosophy in Forensic Science
Master of Philosophy in Medical Biotechnology
Master of Philosophy in Science
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Quantitative Finance
Master of Science
Master of Science (Extension)
Master of Technology
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science
Graduate Diploma in Medical Biotechnology
Graduate Diploma in Quantitative Finance
Graduate Diploma in Science
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science
Graduate Certificate in Mathematics
Graduate Certificate in Medical Biotechnology
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Science
Graduate Certificate in Technology
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science (Research)
Master of Science (Research) in Mathematical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science (Research)
Master of Science (Research) in Mathematical Sciences
Transdisciplinary Innovation
Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Diploma in Innovation
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Transdisciplinary Innovation (Research)
Master of Data Science and Innovation
Master of Professional Practice
Master of Technology
Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice
Graduate Diploma in Technology
Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice
Graduate Certificate in Technology
Master of Animation and Visualisation
Graduate Certificate in Animation and Visualisation
Graduate Certificate in Transdisciplinary Learning in Higher Education
9. Lộ trình học cho HSVN:
Hết lớp 11- học sinh chọn học:
Dự bị đại học + đại học (từ năm 1);
Dự bị đại học + cao đẳng + đại học (từ năm 2).
Hết lớp 12- học sinh chọn học:
Cao đẳng + đại học (từ năm 2);
Vào thẳng đại học (từ năm 1).
Hết đại học, học sinh học lên Thạc sỹ hoặc Tiến sỹ;
Hết thạc sỹ- học sinh học lên Tiến Sỹ.
10. Yêu cầu đầu vào:
11. Kỳ nhập học:
Dự bị/ Cao đẳng: Tháng 3, 6, 10;
Cử nhân/ Thạc sỹ: Tháng 3, 7.
Hồ sơ xin học:
Bằng của cấp học cao nhất;
Học bạ của 2 năm gần nhất
Chứng chỉ tiếng Anh- nếu có;
Hộ chiếu (trang có ảnh và chữ kí)- nếu có;
Thành tích học tập- phấn đấu khác- nếu nhắm học bổng
Thạc sỹ- thêm
02 Thư giới thiệu;
Tiến sỹ/ thạc sỹ nghiên cứu- thêm:
Đề cương nghiên cứu khoa học;
Các bài báo đã đăng
12. Học phí:
Cụ thể:
Academic English: 620 AUD/tuần;
Dự bị: 32.000 – 48.000 AUD/khóa học;
Cao đẳng: 38.000 AUD/ khóa học;
Đại học: 39.640 – 52.410 AUD/năm, xem chi tiết ;
Sau đại học: 32.600 – 52.990 AUD/năm, xem chi tiết .
*** Học phí trên mang tính chất tham khảo, mời bạn liên hệ để được cấp nhật thông tin mới nhất.
13. Chi phí sinh hoạt: 16.000- 22.000 AUD/năm
14. Học bổng:
Xem chi tiết: www.uts.edu.au/study/international/essential-information/scholarships-international-students
a. UTS: Học bổng bậc đại học
b. UTS: Học bổng bậc sau đại học
c. UTS College:
Học bổng 12.000- 20.000 AUD dành cho chương trình A-level;
Học bổng 4.000- 8.000 AUD dành cho chương trình Dự bị Đại học;
Học bổng 4.000- 8.000 AUD dành cho chương trình International Year 1 (Diploma);
Học bổng 8.000 AUD dành cho chương trình Dự bị Thạc sỹ.
15. Nhà ở và các dịch vụ khác :
HS- SV có thể chọn homestay, KTX, share phòng (nếu trên 18 tuổi) hoặc ở với người nhà. Link chi tiết nhà ở của trường:
16. Hỗ trợ từ Công ty Đức Anh:
Là một trong rất ít Đại diện ủy quyền của trường tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi:
Giúp bạn gạt bỏ hoàn toàn các mối lo về giấy tờ, hồ sơ, thủ tục…;
MIỄN phí hành chính, MIỄN phí thù lao, MIỄN phí dịch thuật, TẶNG voucher quà tặng $200 (áp dụng có điều kiện);
Mang đến cho bạn lựa chọn tốt nhất về trường học, ngành học, học bổng;
Là TOP PERFORMING AGENT, chúng tôi cam kết dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp- hiệu quả;
Tỷ lệ visa LUÔN cao nhất nhì Việt Nam;
Hỗ trợ bạn trong suốt quá trình bạn du học- làm việc tại nước ngoài.
99,9% cựu DHS hài lòng về dịch vụ của DUC ANH EduConnect và nếu bạn cũng muốn thành công, chúng tôi sẵn sàng hỗ trợ các bạn!
Chi tiết về thủ tục xin học, học bổng, visa du học và các vấn đề liên quan, vui lòng liên hệ:
DUC ANH EduConnect
Hà Nội- HCM- Vinh- Quảng Ngãi- Viêng Chăn- Melbourne
Website: ducanhduhoc.vn
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/DucAnhAT
Hotline chung: 09887 09698- 09630 49860- 09830 75915- 09837 60440
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