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Danh sách các trường phổ thông công lập tại Lãnh thổ phía Bắc (NT), Úc

Thứ Tư - 01/04/2020
STT Trường Thành phố Website
High school
1 Darwin High School Darwin darwinhigh.nt.edu.au/
2 Katherine High School Katherine www.katherinehighschool.com.au/
3 Nhulunbuy High School Nhulunbuy- Arnhem www.nhulunbuyhighschool.com/
4 Taminmin College Humpty Doo www.taminmin.nt.edu.au/
5 Casuarina Senior College Casuarina- Darwin www.casuarinaseniorcollege.com.au/
6 Centralian Senior College Alice Springs centralianseniorcollege.com.au/
Middle School
7 Centralian Middle School Gillen-Alice Springs cms.nt.edu.au/
8 Darwin Middle School The Gardens- Darwin darwinmiddle.nt.edu.au/
9 Dripstone Middle School Tiwi- Darwin www.dripstonemiddle.nt.edu.au/
10 Nightcliff Middle School Rapid Creek- Darwin www.nightcliffmiddle.nt.edu.au/
11 Sanderson Middle School Malak- Darwin www.sandersonmiddle.nt.edu.au/
12 Palmerston College Palmerston www.palmerstoncollege.nt.edu.au/
13 Arlparra School Namatjira- Tennant Creek directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/arlpahs
14 Baniyala Garrangali School Baniyala- Arnhem web.ntschools.net/w/arnhem/
15 Batchelor Area School Batcherlor web.ntschools.net/w/BatchelorSchool/Pages/default.aspx
16 Borroloola School Katherine web.ntschools.net/w/Borroloola
17 Callistemon House Katherine www.callistemon.org.au/
18 Gapuwiyak School Arnhem directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/gapuwcec
19 Gunbalanya School Palmerston & Rural web.ntschools.net/w/gunbalanya/Pages/home.aspx
20 Jabiru Area School Palmerston & Rural directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/jabiras
21 Kalkaringi School Katherine directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/kalkacec
22 Lajamanu School Katherine directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/lajamcec
23 Maningrida School Arnhem web.ntschools.net/w/maningrida/
24 Milingimbi School Nhulunbuy- Arnhem directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/milincec
25 Minyerri School Barkly- Katherine directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/minyesch
26 Nganmarriyanga School Daly- Palmerston & Rural www.nganmarriyangaschool.com/
27 Ngukurr School Arnhem- Katherine web.ntschools.net/w/ngukurr/
28 NT Music School Sanderson- Darwin www.ntms.net.au/
29 Ntaria School Stuart- Alice Springs directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/ntarisch
30 Numbulwar School Arnhem directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/numbusch
31 Nyirripi School Stuart- Alice Springs directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/nyirrsch
32 Ramingining School Nhulunbuy- Arnhem www.schools.nt.edu.au/ramingining/site/index.php
33 Shepherdson College Nhulunbuy- Arnhem www.shepherdsoncollege.nt.edu.au/
34 Top End School of Flexible Learning Karama- Darwin directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/malrcsch
35 Warruwi School Arafura-Arnhem directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/warrusch
36 Willowra School Stuart- Tennant Creek directory.ntschools.net/#/schools/details/willosch
37 Yuendumu School Stuart- Alice Springs www.yuendumuschool.nt.edu.au/

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