09887 09698

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Hà Nội

Bangor University: Studying among heritage, adventures and breathtaking natural landscapes is a life thrilling experience!

Thứ Sáu - 24/06/2022

Who says no to that? 

Here is Bangor University which attracts plenty of international students with its location, ranking, Research-based education, affordability, a great deal of scholarship, clubs & Societies, employability support, and so on…

  • Location: Small & peaceful city in Wales, many top sights, ideal for sports of all kinds hiking, water sports & biking… Easy access to many cities in the UK ;
    • London 3 hours
    • Liverpool 1.5 hours.
  • Ranking: Top 30 in the UK for research and student satisfaction, 64th in the Times University Guide & 86th in the Guardian University Guide
  • Subjects: Academics are grouped into three colleges, Top 25 in the UK for banking research

Check this link: www.bangor.ac.uk/about/academic-schools-and-colleges for further details and here are some popular courses:

  • Agriculture & Forestry (11th in UK)
  • Art & Design (14th In UK)
  • Marketing (30th in UK)
  • Sports Science (33rd in UK)
  • Accounting & Finance (33rd in UK)
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineer (34th in UK)
  • Psychology (38th in UK)
  • Scholarship: Varieties such as Dean scholarship (Up to £6000), and VC scholarships (£10,000) for the year 2022-2023. Check this link: www.bangor.ac.uk/studentfinance/info/scholarships for more details.
  • Placements and Internships: UG Programs with 2 weeks internship to boost employability. Career support for 3 years after graduating. Many are currently working at big companies like Coutts, Venue Cymru, WRU, BBC Cymru, Zip World, and more.
  • University Website: www.bangor.ac.uk/international-homepage


Simply contact us, SIUK Vietnam. Services are available in both English and Vietnamese languages.

As an official representative of the university, SIUK Vietnam will support you, FREE OF CHARGE, with:

  • Select study courses and apply for admission & scholarships, at Aston university or other 172 UK Universities;
  • Apply for a UK visa and arrange accommodation, airport pick up
  • Support you along the time you are with university and later on, Post-study post work visa


SIUK VIETNAM (Hanoi & HCMC office)

Hotline: 09887 09698, 09652 89609

Email: vietnam@studyin-uk.com

Website: www.studyin-uk.vn/ www.studyin-uk.com

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