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Các trường Cao đẳng tư thục tại Canbera – Úc

Thứ Sáu - 17/11/2017

AAMC Training Group

Unit 5, 17 Foley Street, Balcatta, WA 6021

(Addresses in all states)
PHONE: 08 9344 4088
FAX: 08 9344 4188
EMAIL: info@aamctraining.edu.au
WEBSITE: http://www.aamctraining.edu.au
Banking, business, retail, real estate, finance, insurance, professional development, marketing, hospitality.

ABBEY Language Travel
EMAIL: enquiries@abbeylanguagetravel.com
WEBSITE: http://abbeylanguagetravel.com
Learn a language overseas.

Academy of Interactive Entertainment Canberra
Block E, Canberra Technology Park, Phillip Avenue, Watson ACT 2602
PHONE: 02 6162 5131
FAX: 02 6207 3759
EMAIL: enquiries@aie.act.edu.au
WEBSITE: http://www.aie.edu.au
Australia’s leading educator for the Computer Game Development and 3D Digital industries.

Academy of Real Estate
Ground Floor, Unisys Building, 91 Northbourne Avenue, Turner, ACT 2612
PHONE: 02 6209 1505
EMAIL: info@aore.com.au
WEBSITE: http://www.aore.com.au
Real Estate.

Airbrush Venturi

Locations around Australia
PHONE: 1300 247 278
EMAIL: info@airbrushventuri.com.au
WEBSITE: http://airbrushventuri.com.au/

Australian Business Academy
Level 1, 12 Moore St, Canberra City 2601
PHONE: 1800 063 049
EMAIL: info@aba.edu.au
Business education and training

Australian College of Massage
All states and distance education
PHONE: 1300 880 885
FAX: 1300 880 884
EMAIL: acm@studymassage.com.au
WEBSITE: www.studymassage.com.au

Australian Institute of Applied Sciences
PO Box 279, Deakin West ACT 2600
PHONE: (02) 6282 8277
FAX: +61 2 6282 8278
EMAIL: actadmin@aias.com.au
WEBSITE: http://www.aias.com.au
Natural Medicine, Massage and Beauty.

Australian Institute of Fitness
Locations around NSW/ACT
PHONE: 1300 669 669
EMAIL: info@aif.edu.au
WEBSITE: https://fitness.edu.au/
Fitness, Massage.

Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (NSW)
Level 5, 51-57 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Also in Canberra tel. 6291 5436
PHONE: (02) 9247 1141
FAX: (02) 9252 3180
EMAIL: student@theinstitute.com.au
WEBSITE: http://www.theinstitute.com.au
Insurance and finance.

Canberra Business Academy
10/160 Lysaght Street, Mitchell ACT 29011
PHONE: (02) 6162 3371
EMAIL: info@cmatraining.com.au
Business, Information Technology

Canberra Make-up Academy
49 Philip Avenue, Watson ACT 2602
PHONE: 02 6163 9590
EMAIL: admin@cmatraining.com.au
WEBSITE: http://www.canberramakeupacademy.com.au
Make-up & Beauty

Capital Hairdressing Academy & Regional Training (C.H.A.R.T)
Ground Floor, Waldorf Building
Cnr London Cct & Akuna St, Canberra City 2601
PHONE: (02) 6262 6852
EMAIL: chart@webone.com.au

College for Law and Justice Administration
RTO in all states
PHONE: 1300 760 605
EMAIL: info@clja.com.au
WEBSITE: http://clja.edu.au
Over 200 courses available

MedEntry UMAT Preparation
126 Jukes Road, Fawkner, Vic 3060
PHONE: 03 9359 9960
FAX: 03 9359 0302
EMAIL: info@medentry.edu.au
WEBSITE: http://www.medentry.edu.au
UMAT Preparation

NuSkills Learning & Development
245 Cowlishaw street, Greenway, ACT 2900
PHONE: 6100 6674
FAX: 6293 3975
EMAIL: nuskills@nuskillslearning.org
Community Services and Health.

Om Shanti College of Tactile Therapies
2a Barker Street, Griffith, ACT 2603
PHONE: 02 6295 2323
FAX: 02 6295 2324
EMAIL: info@omshanticollege.com.au
WEBSITE: www.omshanticollege.com.au
Remedial Massage, Aromatherapy and Community Services

Sharp FX
Hume, ACT.
PHONE: 02 6260 2370
FAX: 02 6260 2370
CELL PHONE: 0412 059 515
EMAIL: sharpfx1@optusnet.com.au
WEBSITE: http://www.sharpfx.com.au
Special effects make-up.

Unity College
46 Lhotsky Street, Charnwood, ACT 2615
PHONE: 02 6161 0050
FAX: 02 6161 0040
EMAIL: info@unity.edu.au
WEBSITE: www.unity.edu.au

Nguồn:  http://www.privatecollegesaustralia.com/ACTAZ.html

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Chọn Đại học Canberra – Chọn sự phát triển toàn diện cho bạn

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Chọn nước du học

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