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Law international scholarships- The University of Queensland, Australia

Thứ Sáu - 07/09/2018

The School of Law at UQ has just advised that their new international scholarships are now live.

PG scholarships https://scholarships.uq.edu.au/scholarship/tc-beirne-school-of-law-scholarship-for-international-students-postgraduate

Four scholarships are on offer; two scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fees and two scholarships covering 25% of the tuition fees for courses undertaken towards the Master of Laws (LLM), Master of International Law (MIL) or Master of International Commercial Law (MICLaw) programs.

UG scholarships https://scholarships.uq.edu.au/scholarship/tc-beirne-school-of-law-scholarship-for-international-students-undergraduate

Two scholarships are on offer: one covering 50% of the tuition fees, and one covering 25% of the tuition fees for courses undertaken towards the approved law program.

Applications close:  16 November 2018

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  • Email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn
  • Website: ducanhduhoc.vn

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