09887 09698

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Sharing of Vietnamese student receiving 50% scholarship for the whole course- University of Melbourne: Consulting- receiving application for 2020

Thứ Ba - 04/06/2019

Being the Top 1 University in Australia – Ranking 32 worldwide and having lots of 10% – 100% scholarships for international students, The University of Melbourne is always a goal for students with high achievements trying to succeed in learning and seek job opportunities in Australia and other countries.

There are lots of questions that student wants to ask about The University of Melbourne:

  1. Is it difficult to be a student the University of Melbourne – TOP Uni in Australia?
  2. Which study plan is suitable for you: direct to the University or choosing to study Foundation- Bachelor even though you meet the entry requirement to be direct to University?
  3. UniMelb has more than 500 majors, which major is potential for the future career and permanent residence?
  4. Applying to Uni of Melbourne: Which way is fast, secure, and convenient?
  5. Scholarship up to 100%: criteria and how to apply for the scholarship?
  6. Accommodation, living expense, friends, part-time jobs, health, safety, other …

Being an excellent agent of UniMelb in Vietnam, helping many students enroll and apply for scholarships successfully, we would like to invite parents and students to come and meet with Ms. Claire Bingley, representative of the University of Melbourne, at events with free entrance, held at:

Global Education Fair- June 2019:

  • Hanoi: June 29, 2019, from 2 pm- 6 pm; Hilton Hotel, No. 1 Le Thanh Tong St;
  • Ho Chi Minh City: June 30, 2019, from 9 am- 1 pm; Grand Hotel Saigon, No. 08 Dong Khoi St., Dist 1.

Meeting with school representative:

  • Hanoi: July 4, 2019, from 5 pm- 8 pm; Duc Anh Building. No 54-56 Tue Tinh;
  • Ho Chi Minh City: July 8, 2019, from 5 pm -8 pm; Duc Anh Building, No 172 Bui Thi Xuan St., Dist 1.

Students and parents are welcome to join freely or please register in advance:


For more details, please contact HOTLINE: 09887 09698 and email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn

Students who want to apply for admission/ scholarship, please bring a copy of High school report, Academic record with certified, English certificate to the event.

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  • Ranking NUMBER 1 in Australia, ranking 32th in the world (THE Rankings 2019);
  • Ranking 6th worldwide for graduate employability after graduation for 6 months (QS Graduate Employability 2019);
  • A member of Go8 leading research universities in Australia (Group of 8);
  •  High reputation for: Engineering, Information Technology, Medicine, Accounting, Finance, Commerce, Law, Management,…
  • Entry requirements:
    • Bachelor: completing program of Foundation Studies at Trinity College, or studying in recognized gifted schools and meeting all direct entry requirements;
    • Master/Ph.D: GPA over 7.0/10;
    • IELTS 6.5 (minimum), or PTE equivalent;
  • TOP in the rate of students’ satisfaction with the University of Melbourne;
  • Location: center of  Melbourne, the most friendly city for students;
  • Over 55,000 students from more than 150 countries around the world;
  • Students are allowed to do a part-time job with 40hours/2weeks during the semester and a full-time job on holidays;
  • Job opportunities from 2-4 years in Australia after graduation and immigration when meeting criteria.

Tran Dan Thanh – a student of Duc Anh, has excellently won a 50% scholarship for the whole course- Bachelor of Commerce program- three years at University of Melbourne. Dan Thanh has started studying at UniMelb since February 2019, so far she has four months studying and living in Australia.

Tran Dan Thanh:

Former student at Foreign Language Specialized School (2015 -2018)

  • GPA: 9.6/10
  • Vice president at CEC English Club

Student of Commerce major at The University of Melbourne (2/2019 – 2021)

50% scholarship for the whole course


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Dan Thanh at The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is known as one of Australia and world’s top universities, especially the Commerce major, so studying here will prepare students with excellent knowledge base and the opportunity to have necessary relationships for future career. Regarding the reasons for choosing Uni of Melbourne, besides the TOP teaching quality, Dan Thanh added: “I know UniMelb students are outstanding individuals, and I do not only want to acquire knowledge from books in classrooms, from teachers, but also desire to exchange and learn from friends. I think the University of Melbourne is a dynamic, comprehensive environment and will give me valuable experiences.”

Evaluating the facilities as well as the learning environment, Thanh shared: “My first impression with UniMelb is that the school has a large and beautiful campus, extremely modern and convenient facilities. So far, I still haven’t had enough time to take full advantage of these strengths. The teachers and friends here are friendly, open, and especially willing to help.”

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In particular, when being asked about the feeling before and after going to Australia and study at UniMelb, Dan Thanh said: “After a semester, I see the biggest difference is about the way I think. For me, UniMelb’s curriculum is about developing critical thinking skills, so even when I step out of the classroom, I can apply knowledge to outside activities and have a wider and deeper look.”

Read Dan Thanh’s article on “the road” lead to the Uni of Melbourne’s 50% scholarship, to understand what she had prepared to win this valuable scholarship, please visit: https://ducanhduhoc.vn/vi/tu-con-so-0-toi-hoc-bong-50-cua-university-of-melbourne-uc/

For further information about application, visa and relevant issues, please contact:

Duc Anh A&T Co., Ltd

  • Ha Noi: 54-56 Tue Tinh, Tel: 024 3971 6229
  • Ho Chi Minh city: 172 Bui Thi Xuan, District 1, Tel: 028 3925 3588
  • Hotline: 09887 09698
  • Email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn
  • Website: ducanhduhoc.vn/

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