09887 09698

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Hà Nội

University of Western Sydney International Student Scholarships

Thứ Năm - 28/02/2019

du học Úc Đại học Western Sydney học bổng 2019

  1. Undergraduate

Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships

  • 50% tuition fee (up to 3 years)
  • does not apply to the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
  • minimum ATAR of 90 or equivalent in higher secondary studies
  • not be seeking advanced standing
  • Student visa (subclass 500)
  • no separate scholarship application is required
  • Deadline: 15 November 2019
  1. Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Western Sydney International Scholarships – Undergraduate

  • $10k, $7.5k, $5k and $3k (Bursary) towards tuition fee (paid in 2nd semester)
  • does not apply to the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and Nursing courses
  • 10k entry benchmark Vietnam high school Diploma General education 8.5/10, PG 75% first year
  • 5k entry benchmark Diploma General education 8/10 or 70% from 1st year university
  • Student visa (subclass 500)
  • no separate scholarship application is required
  • Deadline: Before accepting offer for admission
  1. Postgraduate

Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Postgraduate Scholarships

  • 25% and 50% tuition fee (up to 2 years)
  • does not apply to the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
  • not be seeking advanced standing
  • Student visa (subclass 500)
  • no separate scholarship application is required
  • 25% scholarship based on academic benchmark of minimum 80%
  • 50% scholarship ranked
  • deadline to be assessed: 15 November 2019.

For further information about application, visa and relevant issues, please contact:

Duc Anh A& T Co., Ltd

  • Ha Noi: 54-56 Tue Tinh, Tel: 024 3971 6229
  • Ho Chi Minh city: 172 Bui Thi Xuan, District 1, Tel: 028 3925 3588
  • Hotline: 09887 09698
  • Email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn
  • Website: www.ducanhduhoc.vn/

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