09887 09698

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Hà Nội

Academic Colleges Group, New Zealand: 11 preschools, colleges & universities

Thứ Bảy - 24/03/2018

If you are looking for a suitable course in New Zealand and do not know where to start, we invite you to speak directly with the Academic Colleges Group (ACG) in the Australia & New Zealand Open day.

The ACG Education Group is comprised of 11 member institutions with 25 faculties, offering general education, college, bachelor and pre-university programs to the University of Auckland, AUT, Victoria Wellington. Students stay one to three years after graduating from college or university in NZ and have the opportunity to settle upon eligibility.

We invite you to attend the Australia & New Zealand Open day, with the participation of more than 20 schools and international education corporations, to be held at:

  • Ho Chi Minh City: April 5 , 2018, 4 – 7 pm at Continental Hotel, 132- 134 Dong Khoi, District 1
  • Hanoi: April 10, 2018, 4 – 7 pm at De L’Opera Hotel, 29 Trang Tien Street, Hoan Kiem District.

Parents and students, free admission, or pre-registration are welcome to receive and have the opportunity to receive many attractive gifts.

More information about the event and registration is available here.

For more information, please contact:

• Hanoi: 54-56 Tue Tinh | 024 3971 6229
• HCMC: 172 Bui Thi Xuan | 028 3929 3995
• Hotline: 09887 09698 | 09743 80915
• Email: duhoc@ducanh.edu.vn
• Website: www.ducanh.edu.vn/

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